Asp Locator is more than just
csIniFile is an ASP component
a1asp.fin is a component that
The author writes
a store locator. It comes
that allows you to read,
provides a set of functions
"Exactly as it sounds.
with an administration
write and create Windows
for financial calculations.
This function will allow you
module for
style INI files from an ASP
to dynamic include a file
script. Data types include
into your script. From my
locations. Can calculate
strings, integers, reals,
knowledge this has not been
distance between zip codes,
dates and booleans. You can
or can be used to drill down
loop through a file's
based on state and city to
sections or keys using
find the stores set up in
collections. New INI files
the database. All source
can be created
code is included and there
are no dlls to install.
Supports Access and SQL
databases. Comes fully
working out of the box with
the included Access
database, and only takes a
few minutes to set up with
Sql. Queries are optimized
to provide the speed of a
compiled component without
the restrictions of having
to install a dll on your
server. Due to the lack of
a a component, every bit of
the code and be customized
to your liking.
Date: Jul, 06 2005 Date: Apr, 18 2005 Date: Aug, 22 2001 Date: Jun, 24 2002 |
Gets a list of all
IIS Rewrite is an ISAPI
The Artistry Appraisals
Replace hundreds of lines of
server.variables which your
filter that makes it
application tailored for
code with a couple of simple
browswer supports and then
possible for webmasters to
attorneys, tracks appraisals
lines. The Check Phrase DLL
displays the output in a
gain control over the way
quickly and easily. Artistry
will check a phrase against
Microsoft's IIS handles urls.
Appraisals gets Appraisal
a fully customized
orders placed online by
configuration file, with
clients for attending
characters you specify. You
clients appraisals
put the characters you want
immediatly. Clients will be
to be considered invalid and
able to track the appraisals
the dll does the rest. More
order placed in realtime and
features will be added with
also can print the
the next release.
appraisals. Each appraisal
placed is date and time
stamped for added control
and efficiency.
Date: May, 01 2002 Date: Nov, 26 2003 Date: Dec, 04 2002 Date: Apr, 01 2002 |