
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Link Words

Hits: 843


Hits: 748

Hospital Management System

Hits: 716
This function takes a group
This is ASP script to enable
Using this component you can
Pegasus’s Healthcare System
of words, and assigns a link
lookup of country, region,
pause your ASP page for a
(PHS) consists of software
to each one. It's very
city, latitude, longitude,
specified time without
mechanism that centralizes
useful if you want to create
ISP and domain name from IP
consuming any systems
and consolidates patient,
links where the words are
address by using IP2Location
provider and clinical
underlined, but the spaces
database. The script
objects and business rules
between them is not. Another
supports several database
across the enterprise. PHS
use would be simply for the
types such as Microsoft
overcomes operational
fun of it ^_^
Access, MS SQL and mySQL.
challenges faced by
Internet geolocation has
healthcare organizations,
been widely used in the
letting them: Manage
products or projects
business transactions
below. 1) Select the
consistently in the patient
geographically closest
care process, thereby
mirror 2) Analyze your
increasing the efficiency,
web server logs to determine
quality and competitive edge
the countries 3) Credit
of the organization
card fraud detection 4)
Maximize clinical data
Software export controls
reuse and portability
5) Display native language
through the use of
and currency 6) Prevent
standards, enabling seamless
password sharing and abuse
integration and consistent
of service 7)
implementation between
Geo-targeting in
variant healthcare
information systems Enable
protocol-based decision
support, based on a complete
view of patient information
Enables caregivers in
providing flexible solutions
with the User-friendly

Date: Apr, 05 2005

Date: Dec, 07 2005

Date: Oct, 26 1999

Date: May, 14 2006
This function calculates the
What is Yakoon's SMS
CodeAvalanche FreeForAll is
A way to reward certain
latitude and longitude
Gateway? Yakoon's SMS
asp script for running and
website members with scrtips
coordinates from Vertical
Gateway is a web service
administering free for all
or other private downloads.
and Horizontal (V&H)
written in ASP.NET that
links page.
Upload ability was added
coordinates. V&H's are
enables you to easily send
into v2.0 with ASP Upload.
used to identify locations
SMS messages over GSM
and hence relative distances
cellular telephone networks
between network elements and
from your local PC or
between rate centers listed
network. The gateway can be
in AreaCodeWorld(tm) Gold
accessed by HTTP protocol by
Edition. This sample
submitting values by SOAP,
code is provided to database
GET and POST method to the
subscribers "AS
API Server. Accessing
IS" without warranty of
gateway through HTTP
any kind.
protocol is one of the best
& the fastest ways
to deliver SMS messages.
Who can benefit?
Companies and Individuals
who wants to stay in touch
with their staff and
customers for their
meetings, notices and
product announcements. This
will help people to send
portfolio information, stock
quotes, price alerts and
news headlines, sports
scores, weather, horoscopes,
classifieds exchange rates,
product availability,
holiday specials and mobile
coupons, marketing campaigns
promotional activities via
coupons, special offers and
incentives. Features:
- Complete customisation
and personalisation for
Bulk(batch sends) or Single
Messaging - Unique Sender
ID Branding (on Limited
Networks) - Supporting
Text, Flash, Unicode
(Arabic, Russian, Chinese
etc.) - Immediate
Messaging to Global Contacts
-Easy and Immediate
integration and deployment
-Zero up front cost
-Unique Fast Delivery
-Immediate Multicast
Messaging Enabled
-Ready-to-use examples

Date: Dec, 07 2005

Date: Feb, 08 2005

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: Jun, 07 2004
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