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/** Search */



Hospital Management System

Hits: 716

CodeAvalanche FreeForAll

Hits: 675

J4l-Maxicode activeX

Hits: 625
This ASP function calculates
Pegasus’s Healthcare System
CodeAvalanche FreeForAll is
ActiveX control that creates
the distance between two
(PHS) consists of software
asp script for running and
Maxicode barcodes. It has
locations by using latitude
mechanism that centralizes
administering free for all
been programmed with Visual
and longitude from ZIP code,
and consolidates patient,
links page.
Basic 6 and the source code
postal code or postcode. The
provider and clinical
is available.
result is available in
objects and business rules
miles, kilometers or
across the enterprise. PHS
nautical miles based on
overcomes operational
great circle distance
challenges faced by
healthcare organizations,
letting them: Manage
business transactions
consistently in the patient
care process, thereby
increasing the efficiency,
quality and competitive edge
of the organization
Maximize clinical data
reuse and portability
through the use of
standards, enabling seamless
integration and consistent
implementation between
variant healthcare
information systems Enable
protocol-based decision
support, based on a complete
view of patient information
Enables caregivers in
providing flexible solutions
with the User-friendly

Date: May, 21 2006

Date: May, 14 2006

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: May, 05 2006
This product allows you to
Ask an Expert is a
Global Tornado Navigation
This simple on-line text
develop custom explorer bars
Professional Question and
system is an innovative
generator to instantly
for your
Answer Script exactly like
program written in mainly
generate content / text.
website/administration. The
Yahoo Answers/experts
with asp and sql. the main
Easily generate content
script will allow create a
Exchange.When asking a
purpose of this program is
containing relative keywords
button on your IE toolbar
question, you categorize it
to have a dynamic navigation
or phrases. Generate filler
which once clicked will open
in a topic, making it easier
system were you can edit the
content or text for demo
a explorer bar window in the
for others to find and
skin and add, edit, and
sites. Specify total number
browser. The script can be
answer it. Your question is
delete links
or words, words per sentence
customised fully.
open for others to answer
online. Features: ·
and sentences per paragraph.
for 7 days. You can extend
Default page · Online
The content generator will
or shorten this time
Control Panel · Online
randomize the keywords.
period.Once your question is
Skin Editor · Online
answered, select the best
Link Adder · Online Link
answer, or have the
Editor/Remover · Login
community vote for the best
Screen for security

Date: Apr, 17 2006

Date: Mar, 06 2006

Date: Feb, 13 2006

Date: Dec, 24 2005
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