
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Advanced Online Geneology Tool

Hits: 547

Unique Key Generator

Hits: 539

Asp Locator

Hits: 243

Keyvan1 Book publisher

Hits: 421
Gedcom to Database tool that
This script uses the ascii
Asp Locator is more than just
This script is very useful
allows you to view and
values of the characters of
a store locator. It comes
for Book Publishing
search an ancestor tree on a
the logged on username and
with an administration
companies and even
Website or home computer.
adds it a number generated
module for
authors. They can add Book
Click on one of the dynamic
using the date difference in
Titles for each customer or
links and instantly the
seconds between the current
locations. Can calculate
publisher and manage the
information is passed to
date and 1980-01-01.
distance between zip codes,
sales of their books. There
some of the most popular
or can be used to drill down
are 5 different sales
genealogy database searches
based on state and city to
possibilities for each Book.
on the Internet. Click on an
find the stores set up in
1.Book store sales
individual and see the
the database. All source
2.Internet Sales 3.Offline
events that occurred during
code is included and there
Sales 4.Ebook Sales
their lifetime.
are no dlls to install.
5.Merchandise Sales A book
Supports Access and SQL
can have
databases. Comes fully
working out of the box with
ription,retail price,writer
the included Access
database, and only takes a
few minutes to set up with
Sql. Queries are optimized
Reorders,Remain stock,Direct
to provide the speed of a
sales,internet sales,... A
compiled component without
powerful search has been
the restrictions of having
added.Customers can contact
to install a dll on your
administrator and vice
server. Due to the lack of
versa.Stats of total books.
a a component, every bit of
the code and be customized
to your liking.

Date: Aug, 09 2005

Date: Jul, 28 2005

Date: Jul, 06 2005

Date: Jun, 24 2005
Accepts: Any numeric value.
Digirez is an ASP application
csIniFile is an ASP component
The user can lookup your
Returns: The same number,
which manage facility
that allows you to read,
stores either by ZIP Code,
correctly rounded to the
reservations through your
write and create Windows
Radius, or State. The
number of significant digits
website. New features are:
style INI files from an ASP
results page can also is
specified. Works for
multi-days booking,
script. Data types include
linked to expedia, yahoo,
negative numbers, whole
statistics, images manager,
strings, integers, reals,
etc... Features Content
numbers, decimals, and for
color picker, date picker,
dates and booleans. You can
Mangagement Console for
numbers smaller than 1.
vertical or horizontal
loop through a file's
online administration of
Example 1: Given
calendar position, email
sections or keys using
retailers. Try the new Flash
1234567890.1 and specifying
collections. New INI files
Mapping Component which
3 significant digits, would
Week/Month/6Months view,
can be created
pinpoints all your stores on
return 1230000000 (1.23
etc... It's suited for
a map of the United States.
billion) Example 2: Given
Clubs, Universities,
-0.00987654 and specifying 2
Libraries, Hotels where
significant digits, would
facilities needs to be
return -0.0099
reserved in advance.

Date: Jun, 08 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005
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