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Check Browser

Hits: 532


Hits: 513

CodeAvalanche FreeForAll

Hits: 675
This is an object based Check
Simple ActiveX control for
PDA add-on for news
CodeAvalanche FreeForAll is
Browser. Use the file as an
converting text from one
management script
asp script for running and
include (no .dll) and get
charset to another. Supports
automatically creating
administering free for all
the browser details by
all western languages,
pocketpc friendly pages. The
links page.
accessing the object
Chinese, Japanese, Korean,
Xtra add-on also features
properties. Script is
Hebrew, Arabic, Thai,
full syndication of news to
updated for multipe Browser
Vietnamese, Russian,
other sites.
Agents like Mozilla
Cyrillic, Ukraine, Greek,
variants, IE, Opera, Safari
Turkish, Icelandic,
and more ...
Croatian, Romanian,
Bulgarian, Hungarian, and
more. Conversion to/from
Unicode is also supported.

Date: Jul, 20 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Jan, 07 2003

Date: May, 05 2006
COMobjects.NET Colorizer is a
Easy to use syntax
csIniFile is an ASP component
This product allows you to
tool, which converts plain
highlighter. Supports 14
that allows you to read,
develop custom explorer bars
text to color HTML according
source types and all
write and create Windows
for your
to given rules. It supports
highlightning is done using
style INI files from an ASP
website/administration. The
more then 90 formats (HTML,
CSS classes. Made using
script. Data types include
script will allow create a
SynEdit, an opensource
strings, integers, reals,
button on your IE toolbar
C++, JSP ,PHP, Perl, Java,
highlighter library.
dates and booleans. You can
which once clicked will open
SQL, Pascal, FoxPro,
loop through a file's
a explorer bar window in the
Fortran, Eiffel and many
sections or keys using
browser. The script can be
collections. New INI files
customised fully.
can be created

Date: Nov, 25 2001

Date: Jul, 02 2004

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Apr, 17 2006
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