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URLSpellCheck for IIS

Hits: 524

VP-ASP IP To Country Database

Hits: 952

w3 Sockets

Hits: 539

W3Info Object

Hits: 176
Are you losing traffic to bad
VP-ASP IP To Country Database
w3 Sockets is an
This component allows you to
spelling? Fix incoming
do the verification that the
ASP-component and an
query remote servers for the
broken & mistyped links
country provided by the
interface for general
server software installed,
automatically with
customer matches the country
network communication, which
default document of the base
URLSpellCheck. Fix common
from which the order is
enables your web pages to
location as well as
URL spelling problems and
being placed. Display native
communicate with external
retrieves the HTTP version
typos on the fly. Fewer 404
language and currency .
sources of information.
used by the Web server on
errors enhance user
Uses : Redirect based on
Easily used from ASP code or
the remote location.
experience and can increase
country .1. Reduce credit
your favorite COM
site retention by as much as
card fraud 2.Web log stats
50%. Easy to configure.
and analysis
Download a free trial today.
3.Auto-selection of country
on forms 4.Filter access
from countries you do not do
business with
5.Geo-targeting for
increased sales and

Date: Nov, 10 2005

Date: Jun, 28 2006

Date: Oct, 07 1999

Date: Jun, 25 2000
xBrowser is minimal web
xContent is an Active Server
xTree is an Active Server
What is Yakoon's SMS
browser built as an Active
component that generates
component that mimmics a
Gateway? Yakoon's SMS
Server component. It can be
HTML-based content listings
tree structure, like the
Gateway is a web service
used to create pages that
containing both files and
explorer in WIN95 or NT. It
written in ASP.NET that
combine information from
directories. It is built for
expands and collapses
enables you to easily send
several other sources.
use with Microsoft IIS and
depending on user
SMS messages over GSM
xBrowser could for example
ASP and helps upholding an
interaction and generates
cellular telephone networks
create customized pages that
up to date web site. A lot
pure HTML. The information
from your local PC or
show information from
of time is spent maintaining
that is to be presented can
network. The gateway can be
related sites or act as a
content listings of all that
either be loaded from file
accessed by HTTP protocol by
home page "router"
is published. With xContent
or added dynamically. Tree
submitting values by SOAP,
that creates a specific mix
this time can be spent on
members can be either of
GET and POST method to the
of information depending on
other, more important things
folder- or item-type. A tree
API Server. Accessing
the current user. The
like producing information.
can contain many folders and
gateway through HTTP
current version does not
each folder can contain many
protocol is one of the best
support redirections, (eg
items. This version support
& the fastest ways
302's). It is built for use
nested folders. The
to deliver SMS messages.
with Microsoft IIS and ASP.
component was built for use
Who can benefit?
with Microsoft IIS and ASP.
Companies and Individuals
who wants to stay in touch
with their staff and
customers for their
meetings, notices and
product announcements. This
will help people to send
portfolio information, stock
quotes, price alerts and
news headlines, sports
scores, weather, horoscopes,
classifieds exchange rates,
product availability,
holiday specials and mobile
coupons, marketing campaigns
promotional activities via
coupons, special offers and
incentives. Features:
- Complete customisation
and personalisation for
Bulk(batch sends) or Single
Messaging - Unique Sender
ID Branding (on Limited
Networks) - Supporting
Text, Flash, Unicode
(Arabic, Russian, Chinese
etc.) - Immediate
Messaging to Global Contacts
-Easy and Immediate
integration and deployment
-Zero up front cost
-Unique Fast Delivery
-Immediate Multicast
Messaging Enabled
-Ready-to-use examples

Date: Oct, 07 1999

Date: Oct, 07 1999

Date: Oct, 06 1999

Date: Feb, 08 2005
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