
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Link Words

Hits: 843

Lundlay Property Browser

Hits: 479
This function takes a group
LOKI-PMS™ is an Internet
This demo shows the way to
Property Browser is an
of words, and assigns a link
reservation and property
lookup ISP handler name by
ActiveX control element to
to each one. It's very
management system that will
using IP address. This
view and change the
useful if you want to create
improve the way you run your
example required an external
properties of COM objects
links where the words are
business. By combining
database in ACCESS for
and ActiveX control
underlined, but the spaces
the elements of traditional
reference. Full database can
elements.Advantages: Full
between them is not. Another
property management software
be subscribed in CSV format.
Source Code, Ability to
use would be simply for the
[PMS] with the latest
You can use this example for
receive notifications of
fun of it ^_^
Internet technology,
you following projects:
changes of one or several
LOKI-PMS™ opens the doors to
Display native language and
properties, Display of help
a secure, easy-to-use and
currency; Redirect based on
strings provided by the
affordable property
country; Digital rights
object, Appearance
management &
management; Prevent password
customizing, Error messages
reservation system for all
sharing and abuse of
property types. In
service; Reduce credit card
addition to standard PMS
fraud; Web log stats and
features such as customer
analysis; Auto-selection of
management, integrated
country on forms; Filter
accounting and
access from countries you do
administrative reporting,
not do business with;
LOKI-PMS™ offers various
Geo-targeting for increased
powerful enhancements only
sales and click-thrus.
Internet property management
software can offer. And
because the whole system is
accessed using a Web browser
such as Internet Explorer,
software installations and
upgrades are never required.
All you need is a computer
and a connection to the

Date: Apr, 05 2005

Date: Dec, 31 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Aug, 28 2003
This is a very powerful
Does your application require
Visual Basic 'MsgBox'
You may parse meta names from
online matrimony management
resolution independence?
function is much more
your site or an external
package system that we've
Simply drag and drop the
flexible then JavaScripts
url. Script can display
developed exclusively and
small-footprint MegaSpring
'alert', you would notice it
title, description and
user friendly. User will be
to your VB form, it will
as you would go through the
keywords of selected page.
able to search, update,
automatically resize all
code. After installing this
Script is freeware and can
add/remove, and edit their
controls and fonts without
dll component, you can use
be used freely in your
profiles from database. In
any coding. All controls in
this functionality with ease
addition, user can also
the form are proportional in
in PHP or ASP. Using the
size, position and font size.
active-X DLL, this code will
descriptions, upload
show you how to create a
images/photos. Platform :
Message Box Interface for
ASP Database : MS-Sql
ASP and PHP. Active-X
Server 2000 ADMIN Module :
objects are not limited to
( Backend) Fully customised
use in Visual Basic
and protected Administrator
projects.This tutorial uses
pages. Admin’s
Visual Basic 6.0. This
username and password change
component will be very
feature. Fully secure and
useful in PHP scripts.
protected admin’s
Download the source and
password Changing from
compile project
normal members to paid
'netrmsgboxlib' and you are
members option. Easy
ready to use it. A complied
payment checking option.
DLL has included with souce.
Member’s photo /
You need to register it with
horoscope protect. Daily
windows regsvr32 utility.
member’s visits
(Daily hits) option.
Database secure and protect.
Customised database result
in MS-Excel work sheet.
Group Email sending option.
News letter sending options.
USER Module : (Frontend)
Free online registration.
Featured profile (home page
advertisement) Free normal
search. Free advanced
search (Members can search
profile w

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Sep, 03 2002

Date: Mar, 18 2002

Date: Apr, 01 2004
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