Message Box HTTP Component for ASP and PHPHits: 514
Visual Basic 'MsgBox' function is much more flexible then JavaScripts 'alert', you would notice it as you would go through the code. After installing this dll component, you can use this functionality with ease in PHP or ASP.
Using the active-X DLL, this code will show you how to create a Message Box Interface for ASP and PHP. Active-X objects are not limited to use in Visual Basic projects.This tutorial uses Visual Basic 6.0. This component will be very useful in PHP scripts. Download the source and compile project 'netrmsgboxlib' and you are ready to use it. A complied DLL has included with souce. You need to register it with windows regsvr32 utility.
Platform(s): n/a
Date: Mar, 18 2002 Author: {
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