
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Server Variables

Hits: 228

ServletHTMLCode generator

Hits: 172

Significant Digit Converter

Hits: 612

Smart Select

Hits: 550
Gets a list of all
This tool allows you to
Accepts: Any numeric value.
Longing for a much SIMPLER
server.variables which your
generate ServletHTML Code
Returns: The same number,
way to dynamically populate
browswer supports and then
using simple ASP. The files
correctly rounded to the
and format HTML select tags?
displays the output in a
whose content that need to
number of significant digits
Need help in clearing up
be changed should reside
specified. Works for
ASP/ADO database clutter
within the server.
negative numbers, whole
from your web pages? Is that
numbers, decimals, and for
clutter starting to clog up
numbers smaller than 1.
your server? Well then,
Example 1: Given
DAGSelect is a COM component
1234567890.1 and specifying
that builds complex select
3 significant digits, would
tags on the fly for use on
return 1230000000 (1.23
ASP pages for you.
billion) Example 2: Given
-0.00987654 and specifying 2
significant digits, would
return -0.0099

Date: May, 01 2002

Date: Oct, 18 2001

Date: Jun, 08 2005

Date: Apr, 02 2002
This application will display
The author writes
This script uses the ascii
URL REWRITE is a rewriting
"Today In History"
"Exactly as it sounds.
values of the characters of
engine that allows a
based on the current month
This function will allow you
the logged on username and
webmaster to manipulate URLs
and day. Let your visitors
to dynamic include a file
adds it a number generated
on the fly in IIS. It makes
know what happened today in
into your script. From my
using the date difference in
your site appear entirely
knowledge this has not been
seconds between the current
static to the outside, while
date and 1980-01-01.
retaining query string
functionality of Active
Server Pages (ASP),
ColdFusion (CFM), PHP, or
JSP on the inside.
Guaranteed indexing in
search engines.

Date: Nov, 26 2005

Date: Jun, 24 2002

Date: Jul, 28 2005

Date: Apr, 04 2003
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