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irola Resource Reservation 2003

Hits: 517

Online Meta Tag Analyzer

Hits: 161


Hits: 487
irola Resource Reservation
IIS Rewrite is an ISAPI
This online Meta Tag analyzer
ASP2XML is an ActiveX
2003 Just fast, easy,
filter that makes it
retreives any given URL and
Component designed for use
simple, efficient resource
possible for webmasters to
displays the page along a
with Microsoft Active Serve
reservation business
gain control over the way
results report at the footer.
Pagesİ or in custom
solution. Administering
Microsoft's IIS handles urls.
applications. It provides a
bookings in businesses,
simple to use interface
colleges, universities,
between almost any ODBC or
libraries, sports clubs,
OLE-DB compliant data source
tennis or squash courts and
and any XML-enabled client.
so on. irola Resource
ASP2XML provides methods to
Reservation allows employees
quickly and easily create an
of an organization the
XML document from almost any
ability to reserve shared
data source, and then update
resources such as conference
the source data by simply
rooms, boardrooms,
editing the XML document on
notebooks, people,
the client.
audio-visual equipment,
parking spaces, company
cars, and so on.

Date: Dec, 22 2003

Date: Nov, 26 2003

Date: Oct, 29 2003

Date: Aug, 28 2003
Property Browser is an
Barcoding activeX. Supports
SAWeb (The Simply Accounting
BarcodeX is an ActiveX
ActiveX control element to
all major 1D symbologies:
Web Account Lookup
control / object you can use
view and change the
EAN, UPC, code 128, code 39,
Interface) allows you to
to print almost all
properties of COM objects
PDF417, DATAMATRIX, codabar.
display account data and
industrial types of barcodes
and ActiveX control
Can be used with VB, ASP,
information from Simply
from Windows applications
elements.Advantages: Full
MSAaccess, VbScript. It can
Accounting v8.0 (US and
like MS Visual Basic,
Source Code, Ability to
create a BMP files.
Canadian versions), on your
VB.Net, MS Word, MS Excel,
receive notifications of
website (with unique user
MS Access, etc. or even with
changes of one or several
account login). Requires
ASP and scripting engines.
properties, Display of help
Active Server Pages (should
strings provided by the
run on any ASP compatible
object, Appearance
customizing, Error messages

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003

Date: Aug, 27 2003
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