
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Check Browser

Hits: 532

CrazyBeavers Syntax

Hits: 494

Download System

Hits: 648

Meta Name Parser

Hits: 1257
This is an object based Check
Easy to use syntax
A way to reward certain
You may parse meta names from
Browser. Use the file as an
highlighter. Supports 14
website members with scrtips
your site or an external
include (no .dll) and get
source types and all
or other private downloads.
url. Script can display
the browser details by
highlightning is done using
Upload ability was added
title, description and
accessing the object
CSS classes. Made using
into v2.0 with ASP Upload.
keywords of selected page.
properties. Script is
SynEdit, an opensource
Script is freeware and can
updated for multipe Browser
highlighter library.
be used freely in your
Agents like Mozilla
variants, IE, Opera, Safari
and more ...

Date: Jul, 20 2004

Date: Jul, 02 2004

Date: Jun, 07 2004

Date: Apr, 01 2004
The PositionInQuotes function
Simple ActiveX control for
This demo shows the way to
An easy way to display your
returns true or false
converting text from one
lookup ISP handler name by
data on the web, without a
depending on whether the
charset to another. Supports
using IP address. This
need for databases. Data is
position in the string you
all western languages,
example required an external
presented in sortable,
pass into it is between a
Chinese, Japanese, Korean,
database in ACCESS for
searchable columns. Lots of
pair of apostrophes or not.
Hebrew, Arabic, Thai,
reference. Full database can
stats available.
Useful if you're doing any
Vietnamese, Russian,
be subscribed in CSV format.
sort of SQL statement
Cyrillic, Ukraine, Greek,
You can use this example for
validation etc
Turkish, Icelandic,
you following projects:
Croatian, Romanian,
Display native language and
Bulgarian, Hungarian, and
currency; Redirect based on
more. Conversion to/from
country; Digital rights
Unicode is also supported.
management; Prevent password
sharing and abuse of
service; Reduce credit card
fraud; Web log stats and
analysis; Auto-selection of
country on forms; Filter
access from countries you do
not do business with;
Geo-targeting for increased
sales and click-thrus.

Date: Mar, 30 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Feb, 03 2004
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