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Hits: 275

Movie Reviews v1.0

Hits: 507
xTree is an Active Server
Although it looks kind of
component that mimmics a
plain, our movie guide comes
tree structure, like the
packed with features. We
explorer in WIN95 or NT. It
have left out most of the
expands and collapses
design except for a few
depending on user
minor tweaks. Most people
interaction and generates
like to have the script
pure HTML. The information
match their site so this
that is to be presented can
makes for an easier tack.
either be loaded from file
or added dynamically. Tree
members can be either of
folder- or item-type. A tree
can contain many folders and
each folder can contain many
items. This version support
nested folders. The
component was built for use
with Microsoft IIS and ASP.

Date: Oct, 06 1999

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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