
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */



Unique Key Generator

Hits: 540

Miraplacid Exec

Hits: 538

w3 Sockets

Hits: 538

Check Browser

Hits: 533
This script uses the ascii
MSCExec Component allows you
w3 Sockets is an
This is an object based Check
values of the characters of
to call OS command or launch
ASP-component and an
Browser. Use the file as an
the logged on username and
an application right from
interface for general
include (no .dll) and get
adds it a number generated
your script. You can set
network communication, which
the browser details by
using the date difference in
parameters for the call and
enables your web pages to
accessing the object
seconds between the current
check results. Available for
communicate with external
properties. Script is
date and 1980-01-01.
Linux Chili!ASP and Windows.
sources of information.
updated for multipe Browser
The Windows version is free.
Easily used from ASP code or
Agents like Mozilla
your favorite COM
variants, IE, Opera, Safari
and more ...

Date: Jul, 28 2005

Date: Apr, 01 2002

Date: Oct, 07 1999

Date: Jul, 20 2004
xBrowser is minimal web
URL REWRITE is a rewriting
xContent is an Active Server
Are you losing traffic to bad
browser built as an Active
engine that allows a
component that generates
spelling? Fix incoming
Server component. It can be
webmaster to manipulate URLs
HTML-based content listings
broken & mistyped links
used to create pages that
on the fly in IIS. It makes
containing both files and
automatically with
combine information from
your site appear entirely
directories. It is built for
URLSpellCheck. Fix common
several other sources.
static to the outside, while
use with Microsoft IIS and
URL spelling problems and
xBrowser could for example
retaining query string
ASP and helps upholding an
typos on the fly. Fewer 404
create customized pages that
functionality of Active
up to date web site. A lot
errors enhance user
show information from
Server Pages (ASP),
of time is spent maintaining
experience and can increase
related sites or act as a
ColdFusion (CFM), PHP, or
content listings of all that
site retention by as much as
home page "router"
JSP on the inside.
is published. With xContent
50%. Easy to configure.
that creates a specific mix
Guaranteed indexing in
this time can be spent on
Download a free trial today.
of information depending on
search engines.
other, more important things
the current user. The
like producing information.
current version does not
support redirections, (eg
302's). It is built for use
with Microsoft IIS and ASP.

Date: Oct, 07 1999

Date: Apr, 04 2003

Date: Oct, 07 1999

Date: Nov, 10 2005
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