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/** Search */



eBay Home Inventory System

Hits: 2673

Simple Link Tracker

Hits: 2259

DMXReady Photo Gallery Manager

Hits: 2037
This application was designed
Form Pros is the simplest and
This very easy to setup link
Display your photos for pride
with the serious eBay seller
most adaptable solution you
tracker can be used to track
or profit in this easily
in mind. Recently, my wife
will find anywhere for
downloads from your web
navigated gallery with
started her own eBay store,
creating and securely
site. It will log the time
thumbnails and captions.
and it wasn't long before we
hosting a whole range of
and date, as well as a few
Your pictures never looked
realized that we needed a
versatile professional
other goodies, such as
so good! Anyone with basic
system in place to manage
Web-based forms for any
browser and operating
web skills can be their own
our inventory. The original
system. You can also view
Webmaster. Trial Version
version was lacking in
the stat report via the web,
available. Built with
several departments, and was
and clear the log entries at
quite honestly too complex
the click of a button. A
by design. This version
separate log is used for
(version 2.1) is much more
each link you wish to track.
simplified in its use. It
This tracker can be used for
will track your inventory
plain HTML links as well.
based on locations that you
define. For example, if you
have 5 shelves full of eBay
merchandise, you could name
them Shelf 1, Shelf 2, Shelf
3, etc. Or S1, S2, S3 -
whatever is easiest for
you. You can also track
information pertaining to
your buyers, such as who
bought it, their shipping
address, email, and eBay ID
number. The application also
has a very basic accounting
system built in to it. By
entering the price you paid
for the item, the price it
sold for, and the shipping
cost, you can view a report
for each month that will
show you your profit or
loss, complete with line
item detail. By far, the
feature I use the MOST is
the search feature. It is a
fairly thorough search
feature, allowing you to
search for just about any
term in the database. Very
handy if you are looking for
an item, and all you have is
the description.

Date: Mar, 10 2004

Date: Jun, 20 2006

Date: Dec, 27 1999

Date: May, 19 2005
HTML chat with support of
Of the shop on an order it
It is a software solution for
Keep your website pages
full customer customization
has been made foutloos to
online support. It is utmost
secure with a single line of
(font colour, font size,
the serves of UPS link. This
solution to create, maintain
script! Create up to three
chat colour setting, etc.),
property wrapped up dynamic
and share accumulated
user access levels with
whispering, graphic
the builder offers of the
knowledge with all the
username/password control.
emoticons, management,
rise of the web a fast and
parties involved in your
Slick interface is easily
banning from the room,
easy manner to build and
enterprise. Magicway
managed by anyone with basic
locking of the room,
lead your an existing or new
Knowledge Base will cater
web skills. Trial Version
permanent and temporary
web shop.
the information
available. Built with
rooms in unlimited number.
accessibility in such a
It requires no installation
cost-effective and timely
and downloading by the
way that, both, you and all
client. It runs purely on
stakeholders would benefit
HTML basis (JavaScript is an
advantage, but it runs even
without it

Date: Jun, 24 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Jan, 18 2005

Date: May, 19 2005
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