A smart pop-up menu
HDD Regenerator is a unique
File Modified Monitor is an
For fast and powerful search
containing all your disks,
program for regeneration of
easy to use utility that
and deleting of unnecessary
folders and files. It can be
physically damaged hard disk
will inform you about
duplicates, use Shuric Scan.
called from anywhere you
drives. It does not hide bad
modified files via email.
space without deleting
need it. Extremely
sectors, it really restores
It's a non memory resident
your valuable information.
easy-to-use, very
command line application
Works faster than other
customizable, Meta Commander
that can be typically used
greatly boosts the speed of
to monitor file
your file browsing.
modifications on unattended
Date: Jun, 25 2005 Date: Jun, 01 2005 Date: Apr, 16 2006 Date: Oct, 13 2006 |
Corrupted, deleted or
View a customizable listing
Fast file checksum generation
Direct Dnc file transfer to
reformatted partitions pose
of the contents for any
& verification tool.
CNC memory as well as drip
no problem for you if you
directory on your computer.
Supports MD2,MD4,MD5,
feed even the largest of CNC
have DiskInternals Partition
Save it as text or PDF.
programs. easy Dnc now has a
Recovery, which supports:
true Windows Look and Feel
FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, VFAT,
CRC-32,ADLER32 algorithms
with easy Setup and Easy
NTFS, NTFS4 and NTFS5. The
and the hash used in
Drag and Drop functionality.
program also brings to life
all deleted files or lost
Compatible with md5sum,Easy
MD5 Creator,SFV
Checker/Verifier,Win CRC32.
Date: Jun, 15 2006 Date: Mar, 01 2004 Date: Mar, 06 2007 Date: Dec, 13 2006 |