File Renamer 2005 is an
Unistal’s Data Wipe is a
Boomerang Data Recovery
Stellar Phoenix Photo
all-in-one power-packed
high standard grade file
software is the fastest and
Recovery Software recovers
utility to rename the files
deletion to ensure security.
easiest way to recover lost
lost, deleted and formatted
speedily and efficiently
Data are always present on
or deleted files from your
digital pictures / images on
without any errors as it has
the disk even if deleted
Mac! Now you can recover
removable media, after an
an in-built preview pane to
from the recycle bin and
with breeze from initialized
accidental deletion, media
visualize the after-effects
disk has been formatted.
drives, damaged RAID's,
format or corrupt media.
of renamed files.
Data Wipe ensures file
camera cards and other
deletion is permanent and
storage devices including
USB and FireWire
Date: Feb, 16 2005 Date: Mar, 09 2007 Date: Mar, 13 2007 Date: Sep, 11 2006 |
CopyWipe is a free utility
Kernel for Palm PDB -
CD/DVD Data Recovery is an
Save time with this powerful
that allows you to copy an
recovers corrupted Palm
easy-to-use tool to recover
and easy-to use Mass Text
entire hard drive to another
database files corrupted due
corrupted file from CD and
Replacement tool. If you
as well as securely wipe an
to palm organizers
DVD, It fast scans disk
need to replace text strings
entire hard drive.
synchronization break,
sectors, rescues the damaged
or multiline paragraphs on
HotSysnc® failure and
files and copies the correct
hundreds of files, and batch
displays error messages such
data to hard disk as
it on a single process, then
as "Error opening PalmPilot
possible as it can.
this is the time-saver that
database", " Sync Manager
you are looking for!.
Error - Connection Lost".
Date: May, 23 2006 Date: Dec, 01 2005 Date: Mar, 21 2007 Date: Feb, 21 2007 |