
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

File & Disk Management


BootIt Next Generation

Hits: 375

Storage Triage - Professional

Hits: 375


Hits: 375
An excellent partition and
Sorage Triage utility that
Easy to use feature rich file
Nucleus Kernel Zip is a
multi boot manager with a
will size and analyze your
searching utility. Fast
advance easy and user
powerful and simple to use
directory space. It
search, accurate results.
friendly file repair
set of tools to quickly
provides access to the
Search using variety
software for corrupt [.zip]
partition, image, or multi
gathered data via a powerful
parameters: file name, file
files. Software uses QFSCI
boot your computer. It
Tree View, Graphs, Reports
size, file time, file
technology to repair corrupt
combines the features of
and exports to Excel, PDF,
extension, etc. Search
or lost Zip files.
several standalone products
RTF, XML, Database and
within ZIP archives, by EXIF
costing hundreds of dollars
others. It is able to
fields or by ID3 tags. And
visual show growth!!
much more!

Date: Feb, 12 2007

Date: Dec, 29 2006

Date: Dec, 14 2006

Date: Feb, 11 2006
Pdfsearcher finds PDF files,
Analinx Duplicatch provides
ObjectWipe protects your
Data Recovery using ADRC
search zip archives for
you with power to find and
computer privacy: wipe
Tools which contains a
pdfs, convert pdf to text,
reliably identify duplicates
files, disk drives/flash
collection of DIY recovery
locate text, view files,
(copies) of any file on your
memory and unused disk space
tools that supports a wide
display search strings,
storage media not by its
so your data CAN NEVER BE
variety of drives and file
match text , & uses
name or size, but by its
systems. It includes
dates, size, text, & 90
content! Pictures could be
program uses either fast or
tools such as Undelete, Copy
multiple search strings,
optionally compared on the
secure erase algorithms.
Files, Raw Copy, Image
case sensitive, stored
basis of their visual
Backup and Restore and also
paths, file operations
a Boot Builder.

Date: Oct, 18 2004

Date: Mar, 19 2007

Date: Mar, 14 2007

Date: Jun, 01 2006
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