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File & Disk Management


File Topper

Hits: 409


Hits: 408

Hillyheights File Compare

Hits: 408

febooti fileTweak Hash & CRC

Hits: 408
Extract data from the top of
If you need fast and easy
This freeware program is a
Simple and easy to use file
text files. File Topper
CD/DVD cataloging CDlyse
useful little program that
hash value calculator
takes a source file,
will help you with. Just
adds an easy way to see if
embedded into Windows
destination file and number
insert CD/DVD and start
two files on your computer
properties pages and
of lines to extract, it will
CDlyse.All documents and
are the same. What
compatible with febooti
then extract that number of
their data will be saved
"Hillyheights File Comparer"
fileTweak module
lines from the source file
into XML file.Cdlyse uses
does is provide an easy
integration. Supports CRC32,
and place them into the
this format of file storing
always-accessible solution
MD5, SHA-1 and other most
destination file.
for easier XML files sharing.
on the "Send To" menu.
common hash algorithms.

Date: May, 17 2006

Date: Jan, 15 2007

Date: Oct, 30 2006

Date: Oct, 02 2006
Advanced Archive
Hard Drive Inspector is an
BringBack offers easy to use,
Moo.Trashes (Moo Dot Trashes)
Repair(AARCR) is an archive
application that monitors
inexpensive, and highly
is a virtual necessity in
data recovery suite. It
hard-drives for possible
successful data file
today's world of stressful
includes tools to recover
problems and alerts PC
recovery for Windows &
workplaces and mixed
data from corrupt or damaged
owners when things go or
Linux (ext2) operating
computer networks. The
Zip or SFX archives, Unix
might go wrong. The program
systems and digital images
program has two main
TAR archives, and CAB
is based on the S.M.A.R.T
stored on memory cards,
functions: Searching and
technology, which is a part
hardware RAID, etc. Supports
eliminating unnecessary
of almost every modern
FAT, FAT32, NTFS and Ext2
files, and keeping you
file systems.
entertained all day.

Date: Apr, 14 2006

Date: Apr, 13 2006

Date: Nov, 07 2006

Date: Jul, 20 2005
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