
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

File & Disk Management


Recover My iPod

Hits: 372

Instant Document Search

Hits: 372

Lightning bar

Hits: 372

Actual Search & Replace

Hits: 372
Recover My iPod will recover
Very fast document search
Lightning Bar enables you to
The program is an advanced
deleted or lost iPod files.
engine for your computer or
access any folder in a
tool to perform search and
Recover a frozen iPod,
local network. Support of MS
flash. This side-bar
replace operations across
recover from an iPod reset,
Office files, WordPerfect,
application makes it easy to
multiple text files. The
recover from an iPod
PDF, web pages, plain text
manage your favorite folders
preliminary search, ability
Restore, or recover iPod
files and other documents.
and access them in Windows
to undo changes and the
files from an iPod "sad
Instant Document Search is
Explorer,common open file
backup feature help the user
face" or exclamation mark
easy to use, but powerful
dialog boxes,browse folder
easily control the process
icon. Easy to use. Try it
dialog and Ms-Office open
of modifying files.

Date: Jan, 31 2007

Date: Jan, 22 2007

Date: Dec, 25 2006

Date: Dec, 05 2006
Nucleus Kernel Access is a
With RightTime you can make
Rename thousands of files at
EasyFP is a program which
advance easy to use access
all files in a directory
a time. Change the file
prevent your important files
file repair software for
tree on hour older or
names, file extensions, or
not be deleted unexpectedly.
corrupt [.mdb] files.
younger. This is useful if a
both! Auto-increment file
By monitoring all of file
Software uses QFSCI
time difference has evolved
numbers! A must have for
operations on encrypted
technology to repair corrupt
on a drive, for example due
digital camera users!
files, EasyFP make sure all
or damaged access databases.
to a DST change. File times
of encrypted files can't be
may be important for file or
deleted, renamed and
e-mail synchronizations.
modified until they are

Date: Aug, 22 2006

Date: Apr, 27 2006

Date: Jul, 22 2004

Date: Feb, 22 2002
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