Protect your privacy with
Hard disk repair, bad sector,
Silent Copy allows you to
RAR Password Recovery is a
this easy to use file
logical bad sector repair
copy your files not
powerful tool to recover
shredder that shreds data so
tool, disk repair utility,
diminishing system
lost (forgotten) passwords
it can't be recovered.
free bad sector removal
performance. It moves data
for a RAR/WinRAR (2.xx and
Whether you want to erase a
software, floppy disk repair
and distributes resources of
3.xx) archives. The program
hard drive or wipe a file,
software, hard disk utility,
your drives between running
supports the "brute-force"
ShredIt for Windows is the
Track 0 Bad Disks,
applications at the same
attack, dictionary-based
computer privacy software
bad-sector repair utility,
time.The application is
attack and dramatically
that shreds files, hard
partition repair, hard disk
extremely easy to use and
fastest "Booost-Up" attack.
drives and more.
intended for all PC users.
Date: Oct, 15 2004 Date: Mar, 10 2007 Date: Feb, 27 2007 Date: Dec, 02 2006 |
Sophisticated and rich on
This program makes possible
Does defragmenting your hard
System Info - Notes - File
features software tool for
to divide a file into
disk take too long? Did you
Finder - File Indexer -
cataloguing discs (CD, DVD,
several smaller files and to
know that running programs
Compare Files & Find
flash, etc.) including its
join again. This is
can neither be defragmented
Duplicate Files - Virtual
files and folders. After
practical if you want to
nor be moved? Did you know
Folders - Auto OR OneClick
disc content is stored in
accommodate big files on
that besides disk
Backup - Dual Pane Explorer
the database any required
several diskettes or other
defragmentation, a disk
- Image Viewer - Hot Keys -
file or folder could be
media. It comes configured
optimization would
Disk Catalogs - File
easily found at all of its
with some of the common
tremendously speed up
Shredder - Password Manager
media sizes.
computer performance?
- Quick Launch
Date: Dec, 01 2006 Date: Nov, 28 2006 Date: Oct, 14 2006 Date: Oct, 12 2006 |