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File & Disk Management



Hits: 415

PDF Text Stamp

Hits: 73


Hits: 88


Hits: 381
Archivieren aller
PDF Text Stamp software
Windows document disaster
Permanently erase hard drive
Datenträger mit Vorschau:
automates the process of
prevention and recovery
data on your computer to
CD, DVD, Video, MP3, Fotos,
applying page numbers, bates
software. Protects vital
protect you from identity
Speichercards. Suchfunktion,
numbers, roman numerals,
documents against accidental
thieves by 6 delete methods
Drucken, Export,
fonts, font sizes, font
deletion, overwrite, data
including DOD5220.22-M.
Datei-Filter. Mit DisCatalog
types, colored text, angled
corruption, and hardware
DiskDeleter is a unique
behalten Sie den Überblick
text, centered text, right
failure. Monitors and
product that does not
über alle Datenträger und
justified, from any edge of
archives documents as they
require burning CD. Just
finden schnell Dateien,
page & any text.
change through time for easy
Download and Click to run
Musik oder auch Filme.

Date: Feb, 17 2006

Date: Feb, 16 2006

Date: Feb, 16 2006

Date: Feb, 15 2006
A rise in temperature by 10
ByteSweeper removes unused
LC Technology International
TEXTfromPDF is a text
degrees may halve your
and temporary files from
introduces the first
extraction tool for
drive's life expectancy!
your system - allowing it to
real-time application
WinXP/2000 that automates
HDDLife is a freeware
run faster, more efficiently
available for the Microsoft
the conversion of Adobe PDF
indicator that installs into
and giving you more hard
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
documents to text files.
your Google Sidebar. It will
disk space. The best part is
environments that will
Convert entire document or
monitor your hard drive
that it's fast!
predict up 70% of disk
only a specific page range,
condition and temperatures.
failures before they happen
PDFs can be on local drives
based on the S.M.A.R.T. data
or the Internet, Command
provided by the manu
line execution or GUI

Date: Feb, 15 2006

Date: Feb, 15 2006

Date: Feb, 14 2006

Date: Feb, 14 2006
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