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/** Search */

File & Disk Management


PrintFolder Pro

Hits: 388

Move Me

Hits: 380


Hits: 366
NEW!! WinShredder 1.0
Using Windows Explorer,
Move Me transfers all of your
FILExtinguisher offers 14
Permanently erase your
printing a list of files is
programs and files to your
levels of delete methods
sensitive computer files and
hard work. In fact, it's
new computer and leaves the
from a very fast zero-write
folders using U.S.
almost impossible.
new operating system and
to extremely high security
Department of Defence secure
PrintFolder Pro is a fast
software intact. You will
NATO level data wiping.
shredding technology.
and efficient utility that
save hours or possibly days
WinShredder shreds files
lets you print a list of
of work setting up your new
using the most advanced,
files in any folder (and in
machine, with no risk of
its subfolders, too, if you
leaving data behind.
data deletion methods

Date: Nov, 19 2004

Date: Nov, 16 2004

Date: Nov, 04 2004

Date: Nov, 01 2004
Filehunter finds files,
Unconditionally formats a
CD Data Recovery
High standard grade file
search files,search results,
standard 1.44MB floppy disk
Software,Data Recovery for
deletion by wiping,
search zip files, regular
in drive A:. Windows XP has
Damaged CD-R, CD-RW. CD Data
overwriting and erasing data
expressions, explore, view
a problem formatting
Recovery Software is for any
to ensure security. Data
files, display search
demagnetized or corrupt
Volume Descriptor is Bad,
Wipe ensures file deletion
strings, match text
If CD has data but is
is permanent and
,multiple text, uses files
unreadable, System hangs
extensions & dates,
while reading CD.
files size, text, attributes
& case sensitive,

Date: Oct, 27 2004

Date: Oct, 27 2004

Date: Oct, 25 2004

Date: Oct, 25 2004
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