
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

File & Disk Management


CD Duplibase

Hits: 416


Hits: 124

Locked Files Wizard

Hits: 391

Advanced Archive Repair

Hits: 425
This application is a CD
TwinSeek will speed sorting
The Locked Files Wizard
Advanced Archive
database (cataloger) for
significantly by comparing
(formerly CopyLock) is a
Repair(AARCR) is an archive
finding the duplicate files
all the files in a
simple assistant that allows
data recovery suite. It
(that you already have on
directory, and will then
you to replace, to move, to
includes tools to recover
CDs). Use it to prevent
show what ones are 95%
delete and to rename one or
data from corrupt or damaged
files from being moved to
similar. TwinSeek can also
more files or folders which
Zip or SFX archives, Unix
CD-R/DVD±R multiple times.
used to provide a detailed
are in use by the system or
TAR archives, and CAB
CD-D is disk cataloger and
comparison of the
any other application.
duplicate file finder in one
differences between two

Date: Apr, 15 2006

Date: Apr, 15 2006

Date: Apr, 14 2006

Date: Apr, 14 2006
Hard Drive Inspector is an
Customize Start Menu will
FileBoss provides the power
DISKExtinguisher is a unique
application that monitors
help you arrange Desktop
and flexibility to
product that does not
hard-drives for possible
environment, Start Menu and
manipulate one file to
require burning CD and the
problems and alerts PC
Quick Launch in blink of an
thousands with ease and
size of the product is just
owners when things go or
power. From renaming to
347KB, perfect size for
might go wrong. The program
copying folder structures
download. Just Download and
is based on the S.M.A.R.T
its rich feature set makes
Click to run
technology, which is a part
FileBoss the ideal tool for
DISKExtinguisher to
of almost every modern
managing today's large
permanently delete the disk
Windows' file systems.

Date: Apr, 13 2006

Date: Apr, 12 2006

Date: Apr, 12 2006

Date: Apr, 11 2006
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