
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

File & Disk Management


AimAtFile Fast File Search

Hits: 368

SBMAV Disk Cleaner Lite

Hits: 388

Nucleus Tape Recovery Software

Hits: 390
AimAtFile is an effective way
A powerful tool for cleaning
Nucleus Kernel Mac is a
Nucleus Kernel Tape is a
to find document files by
out the cobwebs of useless
advance easy to use mac data
advance easy to use tape
their contents. It lets you
information clogging your
recovery software for HFS,
data recovery software for
search for files of many
HFS+ partitions. Software
corrupt tape cartridges.
types: MS Office documents,
uses QFSCI technology to
Software uses QFSCI
HTML, PDF, plain text, etc.
recover the lost mac
technology to recover the
on a desktop computer or
partitions, files and
lost data, files and folders
network. Searches are based
from the damaged tape.
on Microsoft Indexing

Date: Mar, 25 2006

Date: Mar, 24 2006

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Mar, 22 2006
Nucleus Kernel Outlook
Suppress files older than n
CHAOS Shredder will
Tool zum Berechnen und
Express is a advance email
days in selected folders,
completely erase files from
Prüfen von Hashsummen.
recovery tool to recover
move outdated files to
your disk, without the
Momentan werden MD5, SHA160
corrupted or deleted emails
archive folders using file
possibility to recover it by
und SHA-256 message digest
from Outlook Express 4.0
creation, modification, last
any practical software or
unterstützt. GUI und
files and Outlook Express
access date. You choose
hardware methods.
5.0 and above .dbx files.
purge days,expired time by
Software uses QFSCI
folder. Local application,
technology to recover emails
network Windows service,
from Outlook Express
command line

Date: Mar, 19 2006

Date: Mar, 14 2006

Date: Mar, 08 2006

Date: Mar, 08 2006
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