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File & Disk Management



Hits: 75


Hits: 117

Easy File Renamer

Hits: 393


Hits: 416
Handy data recovery tool. No
Command line tool that can
This tool allow you to rename
Robust tool for multiple file
special skills are needed -
easily be automated to
multiple file with ease.
renaming in the selected
treat erased and lost files
generate nightly reports of
With this tool you can
folder. This renaming tool
and folders just like normal
disk space usage, network
rename your photo -, mp3 -
allows you to rename big
space hogs and very large
collection, or files
mass of files in the batch
folder trees. Reports can be
archive. You can order your
mode. Preview list will show
sorted and small folders can
files by adding date, time
you, how your files will be
be prevented from being
and counter to its names.
look like after renaming.

Date: May, 09 2006

Date: May, 08 2006

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: May, 04 2006
Powerful tool for multiple
Append PDF software automates
With RightTime you can make
Better File Attributes is
files renaming. Its user
the process of appending
all files in a directory
Windows Explorer enhancement
friendly and intuitive
multiple PDF files together,
tree on hour older or
that allows file dates to be
interface allows you to
you can append to a new pdf
younger. This is useful if a
changed at will. It can
rename files easily. Unique
file, an existing pdf file
time difference has evolved
manipulate entire file
visual templates system will
or append a list of files
on a drive, for example due
helpfully assist you in
together, the result file is
to a DST change. File times
renaming. All changes on new
optimized for space.
may be important for file or
name immediately appear in
e-mail synchronizations.
the file list.

Date: May, 03 2006

Date: May, 01 2006

Date: Apr, 27 2006

Date: Apr, 27 2006
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