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File & Disk Management


Quick View Folder Size

Hits: 385

Object FIX ZIP

Hits: 84


Hits: 447

Disk Space Clean Clear

Hits: 424
When you want to know the
Object FIX ZIP is the program
CopyWipe is a free utility
Disk Space Clean Clear is the
size of the folder, you have
for repairing ZIP archive
that allows you to copy an
best tool to clean your hard
to right click on the folder
files reconstruct the
entire hard drive to another
drives. It's fast and easy
name and have to choose the
specified Zip file and try
as well as securely wipe an
to use search features finds
properties one by one. Now
to create a new Zip archive
entire hard drive.
over 81 types of junk files
you can view folder size
recovering files from Zip
on your hard drive. When
rapidly and automatically,
file where possible.
ever you install or remove a
use Quick View Folder Size.
program it leaves many
unneeded files.

Date: May, 29 2006

Date: May, 23 2006

Date: May, 23 2006

Date: May, 22 2006
Sky Commander is a new file
Invisible Folders has the
CopyWipe is a free disk
Extract data from the top of
manager for Windows. In the
ability to make any file or
utility that allows you to
text files. File Topper
first place, the program was
folder invisible to anyone
copy an entire hard drive to
takes a source file,
designed as a file
using your PC even on a
another as well as securely
destination file and number
management tool for users
network. As far as the user
wipe an entire hard drive.
of lines to extract, it will
who do not have a lot of
is concerned they don’t
then extract that number of
experience working with the
exist. Use Invisible Folders
lines from the source file
computer, but whose needs
to hide your sensitive files
and place them into the
are constantly increasing.
and folders from prying eyes.
destination file.

Date: May, 21 2006

Date: May, 19 2006

Date: May, 19 2006

Date: May, 17 2006
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