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Encryption Tools


BladeBox eXtreme

Hits: 381

Mars Notebook

Hits: 166

Cryptosystem ME6

Hits: 90
BladeBox creates virtual
Very useful tree-styled
A facile and efficient
Windows software for
encrypted volumes, which are
notebook. Full featured text
digital signing system for
encryption and decryption of
AES-encrypted files which
editor with tables,
enterprise. Electronic file
single files or multiple
can be mounted as if they
formatting, hyperlinks,
in any format can be signed
files in a single operation
were disk drives (with their
pictures... Any amount of
by many persons, dependency
for secure storage or secure
own drive letter too).
sections can be created at
relationship between
transmission. It uses a
any tree level, supports
different signatures can be
500-bit key for security,
strong data encryption.
build, signer's advises can
and has features designed to
Import/export from/to MS
be involved in the signature.
minimize the chances of user
Word, HTML and more...

Date: Jan, 01 2007

Date: Dec, 31 2006

Date: Dec, 27 2006

Date: Dec, 25 2006
Cryptex gives you laptop and
Cryptex gives you laptop and
Exe Guarder protects Exe-file
The PDF Password Recovery (
information security by
information security by
with its own password from
password remover )( pdf
providing you with the
providing you with the
non-authorized execution or
decrypt ) can be used to
ability to work directly out
ability to work directly out
copy. It supports all PE
decrypt protected Adobe
of an encrypted vault.
of an encrypted vault.
format exe-files. Custom the
Acrobat PDF files.
password-box notice;
Identify the computer
intellectually.Show the
password in special time. [
exeicon.com ]

Date: Dec, 22 2006

Date: Dec, 22 2006

Date: Dec, 22 2006

Date: Dec, 21 2006
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