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Encryption Tools



Hits: 127


Hits: 95

Web Password

Hits: 165


Hits: 423
TurboCrypt is the Best
FolderhideKing Can hide your
Using WebPassword, a website
CryptIt is designed to use
encryption software of its
folders quickly! You must
owner is able to protect his
conventional XOR encryption
kind. Easy to use,
have the folders of
HTML page with a password
on keys that are the same
TurboCrypt provides
yourself!You must have the
quickly, easily and
size as the file to be
uncompromising security.
folders which you don't hope
reliably. WebPassword
encrypted. CryptIt also has
Keep sensitive files safe in
other people find them!
features easy-to-use
a ability to use removable
the event that your laptop
FolderHideKing is your best
wizard-type interface.
media (USB drives, CDs,
is lost or stolen. Keep
WebPassword uses strong
floppies) as a key code book.
files encrypted and hidden
cryptoalgorithm. WebPassword
on your home computer.
supports all hosting types.

Date: Nov, 21 2005

Date: Nov, 13 2005

Date: Nov, 04 2005

Date: Nov, 02 2005
CryptDecrypt is an electronic
Use this COM-accessible
APP/Encrypt is a COM+/MTS
Send e-mail messages easily
data protection software. It
full-featured encryption
component that allows
and securely from your
encrypts your files and
library from: ASP, VB 6,
application developers to
portable PC while you are
folder contents with a
VC++, Visual FoxPro, C#,
strong encrypting and
traveling around the world!
password that you select.
VB.NET, or any other
decrypting of text and
Using this program you will
Strong encryption ensures
language that supports COM
files. Supports the latest
increase your e-mail
that your information will
or .NET.
industry-standard strong
security and privacy as well
not be stolen by hackers or
encryption and hashing
as get rid of annoying
viewed by anyone else but
change of settings for your
e-mail program.

Date: Oct, 28 2005

Date: Oct, 17 2005

Date: Oct, 05 2005

Date: Oct, 03 2005
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