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Encryption Tools


Computer Security

Hits: 90

SSH Tunnel Client

Hits: 117

Alive File Encryption

Hits: 392
Keep your computer's content
SSH Tunnel Client allows to
1 Click Encrypt is the
Secure single files as well
protected! Lock your
connect to different
encryption utility that
as full directory structures
personal applications, crypt
SSH-Servers. With the SSH
brings military strength
with a password.
and hide your files, send
Tunnel Client it is possible
encryption power at your
them through self-extract
to connect each TCP/IP
fingertips, assuring that
packages or secure delete
Service over a secure
your files are secured and
them beyond recovery.
SSH-Tunnel. Supports local
protected from intruders and
and remote forwarding with
spies. It can encrypt or
SSH1 and SSH2.
securely hide any type of

Date: Jul, 01 2004

Date: Jun, 29 2004

Date: Jun, 28 2004

Date: Jun, 26 2004
Advanced File Protector is a
Allows to create web pages
1344 Bit, Military strong,
Kremlin provides a
professional file encryption
with encripted mailboxes (up
transparent Hard Disk
cross-platform security
tool. It uses very the
to six) in form of bellboys
encryption. DRIVECRYPT
suite for Mac and PC,
strongest encryption
or drop down menus for web
securely and easily protects
protecting your sensitive
encryption algorithms
sites or to be used as body
all proprietary data on
information from intruders.
available, including RSA and
of electronic mail and pages
notebooks and desktop
It features RC4 and Blowfish
the newest AES standard
that contain quantities of
computers 100% of the time.
encryption, secure deletion
Rijndael to make sure your
false e-mail addresses to
It can also hide your date
of files and records of all
private data remains
discourage the spies.
into music files.
your activities, and more!

Date: Jun, 12 2004

Date: May, 30 2004

Date: May, 03 2004

Date: Apr, 01 2004
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