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Encryption Tools



Hits: 103

ePrivacy Suite

Hits: 596


Hits: 433
Using PrivateZone, you can
MaxCrypt Security Suite is
Award-winning content
To avoid any suspicion about
keep your letters,
the premiere solution for
encryption solution for data
your secret your file, it is
databases, photos, musics,
computer security. Its
protection, featuring
hidden inside another file
movies and other private
features include effortless
one-click encryption for
(your file is encrypted by
information in encrypted
encryption, advanced file
maximum ease of use. Secure
the most modern and strong
form on your hard disks,
hiding, and secure file
your files, folders, and
cryptographic algorithms)
removable media, CD ROMs,
email communications.
and the encoding program is
floppies or network disks -
ePrivacy Suite includes
also hidden inside another
all within a standard
Secured eF2 and Secured
absolutely neutral program.
operating environment.

Date: Jan, 26 2007

Date: Jan, 24 2007

Date: Jan, 20 2007

Date: Jan, 18 2007
DotFix FakeSigner means
Send and receive secure and
Send and receive secure and
Send and receive secure and
external protection for your
anonymous email. Backup,
anonymous email. Backup,
anonymous email. Backup,
applications. The
store and share files online
store and share files online
store and share files online
encryption of code section
securely. Chat and exchange
securely. Chat and exchange
securely. Chat and exchange
and entry point of the
secure instant messages,
secure instant messages,
secure instant messages,
program and insert in
create secure message
create secure message
create secure message
sections SEH frames strongly
boards. Share document
boards. Share document
boards. Share document
complicates disassembling
folders through easy to use
folders through easy to use
folders through easy to use
and cracking your program.
interface. HIPAA and GLBA
interface. HIPAA and GLBA
interface. HIPAA and GLBA

Date: Jan, 18 2007

Date: Jan, 17 2007

Date: Jan, 17 2007

Date: Jan, 17 2007
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