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Encryption Tools


CD Secure

Hits: 84

ap PDF Encrypt

Hits: 392


Hits: 418
CD Secure prevents pirated
PDF Encrypt allows you to
PDF Encrypt allows you to
PDF Encrypt allows you to
copying and unapproved
encrypt (using standard
encrypt (using standard
encrypt (using standard
accessing your sensitive
40-bit or 128-bit supported
40-bit or 128-bit supported
40-bit or 128-bit supported
files and data in compact
by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and
by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and
by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and
up) existing PDFs, set
up) existing PDFs, set
up) existing PDFs, set
permissions, add user and
permissions, add user and
permissions, add user and
owner password.
owner password.
owner password.

Date: Apr, 27 2005

Date: Apr, 21 2005

Date: Apr, 21 2005

Date: Apr, 21 2005
Real powerful plug and play
Hide your files easily and
Make any of your videos or
Recover/decrypt files
,virtual encrypted disk.like
discreetly! Data Stash is a
pictures encrypted so they
encrypted on NTFS (EFS)
a usb device, Protect
clever little steganographic
cannot be viewed by anyone
partitions created in
private and sensitive data
security tool that allows
if they are accidently
Windows 2000 and Windows XP,
from potential unauthorized
you to hide sensitive data
discovered, while you can
even in a case when the
access,very easy to use,one
files within other files
easily view them yourself.
system is not bootable and
click operation.
with password protection.
Even the picture and video
so you cannot log on, and/or
The receptacle file remains
names can be encrypted and
some encryption keys have
FULLY functional!
disguised if you wish!
been tampered.

Date: Apr, 15 2005

Date: Apr, 01 2005

Date: Mar, 31 2005

Date: Mar, 02 2005
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