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Encryption Tools


Secret Disk

Hits: 138

Secret Media

Hits: 619

Secret Messenger

Hits: 1747

Secret PhotoAgent Andy 007

Hits: 399
Secret Disk creates password
Hide secret messages in
Hide secret message into
Secret PhotoAgent encrypts
protected invisible disk on
graphics & audio files,
images and send it securely
photos and protects them
your PC to store any private
jpg, mp3, wma, etc
over the Internet. The
with password, so nobody
files of yours. It will
images with hidden messages
will see them unless they
appear as usual disk on your
can still be viewed with any
have the password! It can
PC. It will completely
conventional image viewer
compress the size of
disappear within one second
software. The receiver can
photographs, so the message
when you need top privacy.
then use Secret Messenger to
size does not get too large
retrieve message back from
and send encrypted photos by

Date: Oct, 11 2006

Date: Jan, 05 2005

Date: Dec, 15 2005

Date: Feb, 12 2007
SecretDrive is a small,
User-friendly encryption
Are your data safe?SecuKEEPER
Secura Archiver is
efficient and reliable
software for Windows driven
is an ALL-IN-ONE file
professional archiving
program that allows you to
PDAs and smartphones. It
encryption software design
software for use in personal
create up to 8 encrypted
encrypts all sensitive
to secure your files and
or commercial environments
virtual disks. Virtual disk
information keeping it
folders from prying eyes,
that demand 128 bit data
is protected by one of five
secure and protected, even
which designing four
encryption to meet and
modern encryption
in such catastrophic cases
exceed today's security
algorithms: AES (Rijndael),
when the PDA or smartphone
GOST 28174-89, Blowfish,
is lost or stolen.
Twofish, CAST 256.
coffer). Furthermore offer
Password Manager.

Date: Mar, 20 2007

Date: Mar, 01 2007

Date: Sep, 08 2006

Date: Apr, 04 2006
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