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Encryption Tools



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Hits: 394


Hits: 378
CovertMail for Outlook
Crypt4Free (freeware) is
Encrypt any file or folder on
A powerful shareware
Express helps keep your
files encryption software
any Windows PC. Any Media,
encryption utility that
emails private. It provides
with ability to encrypt
any type of data. Cryptainer
allows you to create a
complete privacy of your
files and text messages.
LE Free Encryption Software.
virtual encrypted drive on
message store. CovertMail
Support for ZIP files and
Password protect any file or
your PC. Has an intuitive
hides the identity you
ability to secure delete
folder with strong
and easy-to-use interface.
specify (it won't be visible
sensitive files. Skinnable
Encryption. Send secure
Hide & encrypt your
through Outlook Express
user friendly interface.
e-mail. Protects data on USB
important files and folders
anymore) and encrypts
Drives, CDs and HDDs.
using strong 448 bit
message store.

Date: Jul, 27 2005

Date: Feb, 18 2007

Date: Feb, 04 2007

Date: Aug, 11 2005
CryptDecrypt is an electronic
Cryptdisk encryption"on
Cryptex gives you laptop and
Cryptex gives you laptop and
data protection software. It
the fly" creates a
information security by
information security by
encrypts your files and
virtual disk on your system
providing you with the
providing you with the
folder contents with a
(cryptdisk). RSCDISK is a
ability to work directly out
ability to work directly out
password that you select.
complex application that can
of an encrypted vault.
of an encrypted vault.
Strong encryption ensures
be operated for the
that your information will
protection of sensitive data
not be stolen by hackers or
of several protected virtual
viewed by anyone else but
drive assemblies under

Date: Oct, 28 2005

Date: Jul, 15 2006

Date: Dec, 22 2006

Date: Dec, 22 2006
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