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Encryption Tools



Hits: 463


Hits: 129

CryptoHeaven for Java(tm)

Hits: 960

CryptoHeaven for Mac OS X

Hits: 672
This file encryption software
Send and receive secure and
Send and receive secure and
Send and receive secure and
enables you to encrypt,
anonymous email. Backup,
anonymous email. Backup,
anonymous email. Backup,
decrypt, and shred, any type
store and share files online
store and share files online
store and share files online
of file or folders with
securely. Chat and exchange
securely. Chat and exchange
securely. Chat and exchange
ease. An included text
secure instant messages,
secure instant messages,
secure instant messages,
editor allows you to create
create secure message
create secure message
create secure message
and encrypt secure documents
boards. Share document
boards. Share document
boards. Share document
that can be sent by any
folders through easy to use
folders through easy to use
folders through easy to use
e-mail or messenger program.
interface. HIPAA and GLBA
interface. HIPAA and GLBA
interface. HIPAA and GLBA

Date: Jan, 13 2005

Date: Jan, 17 2007

Date: Jan, 17 2007

Date: Jan, 17 2007
This is file encryption
Advanced security for Pocket
Windows software for
Da Vinci was designed with
software that can encrypt
PC 2002 / Windows Mobile
encryption and decryption of
emphasis on
multiple files and folders
2003. Cryptographic storages
single files or multiple
cost-effectiveness and ease
of any size. You can take
for your private files.
files in a single operation
of use while employing the
your own password or let the
for secure storage or secure
strong and widely-accepted
program generate it for you.
transmission. It uses a
AES 256-bit encryption
For increasing password
500-bit key for security,
algorithm. It is simple to
security select to hide
and has features designed to
incorporate into daily
password with (*).
minimize the chances of user
computer use while providing
powerful data protection.

Date: Aug, 08 2005

Date: Sep, 02 2005

Date: Dec, 25 2006

Date: Apr, 15 2006
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