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Encryption Tools


ap PDF Encrypt

Hits: 392

Ap PDF Password Recovery

Hits: 79


Hits: 1614

Armor Tools

Hits: 376
PDF Encrypt allows you to
The PDF Password Recovery (
APP/Encrypt is a COM+/MTS
A suite of tools which ensure
encrypt (using standard
password remover )( pdf
component that allows
your privacy and keep
40-bit or 128-bit supported
decrypt ) can be used to
application developers to
sensitive information
by Acrobat Reader 5.0 and
decrypt protected Adobe
strong encrypting and
secure. Armor Tools will let
up) existing PDFs, set
Acrobat PDF files.
decrypting of text and
you work on the computer
permissions, add user and
files. Supports the latest
without leaving traces of
owner password.
industry-standard strong
your activities.
encryption and hashing

Date: Apr, 21 2005

Date: Dec, 21 2006

Date: Oct, 05 2005

Date: Mar, 17 2007
Basic Authentication is a
Easy to use strong file
Download now the full version
little program that converts
encryption, integrated with
of Bildsoft Safest 2006 and
a user name (login) and
Windows Explorer. Encrypt,
try the safest algorithm of
optionally a password
compress, decrypt, wipe,
the world to protect your
to/from their Base64 Basic
view and edit with a few
Authentication counterpart.
mouse clicks. Cryptographic
primitives are AES-128 and

Date: Mar, 20 2007

Date: Feb, 26 2006

Date: May, 08 2006

Date: Jun, 07 2006
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