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Customer Support



Hits: 224


Hits: 987
Our live chat support
Marshelp is a powerful and
myKB is a professional
Omnistar Live is a
solution will give the
flexible web based help desk
Knowledge Base application
comprhensive Customer
flexibility to give live
that helps a company expand
that easily and simply
Relationship Management
support for any site. Try
its internet presence by
integrates into your
solution that gives you the
now with this. Free version
increasing interactivity on
website. All data for your
ability to communicate with
is available for one month.
its site. The solution is a
knowledge base is easily
anyone coming to your web
We hope it will give you the
cost effective method of
handled with an
site in real time. In
best performance and
customer support that
administration control
addition to supporting your
reliability. It is
resolves, manages and tracks
center. "Admin"
clients and site visitors in
supporting now to install in
customer sales or service
accounts have access to your
real time, Omnistar Live
your own server. And
issues on the website
myKB.com settings,
also provides help desk
definitely we are now giving
without the hassles usually
"Editor" accounts
trouble ticket tracking and
the solution to you in a
involved in performing such
have access to edit and
a customizable and
very low price.
tasks, such as transaction
approve your knowledge base
searchable knowledge base.
and communication costs,
content, and
The remotely hosted version
while at the same time
"Reader" accounts
is $24.95/operator and the
allowing customers to get
have access to view internal
installable server version
the sales or service support
only information. myKB has
is $99.95/year.
they need as and when they
multiple levels of security
need it.
to track both your internal
and external information.
All your product information
will be organized,
searchable, and easy to
navigate for your customers.
Now your employee policies
and procedures, 401K
documentation, phone
extension lists, and other
private information can be
distributed in an organized
fashion to your employees.

Date: Sep, 23 2005

Date: Nov, 11 2002

Date: Dec, 14 2001

Date: Jan, 21 2002
OneClickChat offers a
ProvideSupport is an online
Here is only some of the
Are you taking advantage of
complete online sales and
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customer service solution
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web-hosted system means you
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service teams. Using
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bandwidth and chat sessions;
addition to commenting on
OneClickChat, organizations
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usage, system upgrades and
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other issues. An optional
Webmaster and operators
the right time, converting
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visitors referring;
them into loyal customers
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Unlimited canned responses;
and building strong,
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Fully customizable chat
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24/7 from any location, from
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OneClickChat Benefits -
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custom questions; No
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Software Installation
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related products; -
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Increase your customers
small HTML snippet into your
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Downloadable visitor and
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plug-ins or software
operator activity report;
operator is just a click
installation required on
Multiple chats sessions;
away; - Increase your
customer’s side. Fully
User-friendly chat
customers satisfaction by
customizable. No setup fee,
monitoring page; Play sound
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when receiving chat request;
times and immediate answers
Chat transcript downloading
to their questions;
or sending to email; Visitor
location and IP; Visitor
waiting list; Operator
activity monitoring and ...

Date: Nov, 12 2005

Date: Jul, 19 2005

Date: Jun, 04 2006

Date: Mar, 20 2005
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