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Vistascript Developer

Hits: 351

Web Designers Toolkit 2006

Hits: 805


Hits: 900
Vistascript is a scripting
Color-Picker 1.3 simplifies
Web Designers Toolkit
WebDDM lets you customize
development environment and
the color-selection for
includes many professional
your drop down menus in
runtime for WinFx. The
font-colors and
script authoring tools into
every way imaginable, using
developer includes a winform
background-colors. Use
one program. Many of them
simple CSS and HTML. It's
designer, class and file
drag-technology, hexadecimal
are winning-award products.
Javascript-only, so it's
browsers, interactive
values or RGB-values to
With this easy-to-use web
extremely fast and extemely
debugger and compiler. The
determine the most
authoring toolkit, you can
small. At the same time,
runtime interpreter supports
easy to draft, design,
it's extremely powerful: for
color-combinations for your
develop and deploy scripts
example, it allows you to
protocols. The Vistascript
webpages. Internet Explorer
such as menu, navigation,
have an unlimited number
language is modelled after
tree view, text scroller,
menus on any page, with
the Javascript 2.0 proposal
search engine, title, date
unlimited menu nesting. It
with extensions such as
and time, clock, pop-up
supports context menus of
Smalltalk block closures.
window, mouse trailer and
all sorts. It has a flexible
Vistascript is designed for
much more for web sites and
and very precise positioning
building Ajax style
web projects.
system that makes designing
applications on Windows
AND changing menus simple
and fast. WebDDM sports a
powerful styling system; in
just minutes you can make
your menus look like
whatever you want!
Furthermore, WebDDM menus
feel like a part of your
website and will make your
visitors' experience more
pleasant. And all for one
low cost: $0.

Date: Apr, 28 2006

Date: Oct, 22 2004

Date: Mar, 22 2006

Date: Apr, 19 2006
WebDev Suite SC is a
XP Web Buttons enables you to
Yaldex Colored ScrollBars is
Yaldex StatusTitle Maker
browser-based, powerful web
produce stunning looking
easy to use but powerful
generates JavaScript code to
development environment
buttons and navigation bars
tool that generates CSS
show a message in the status
written entirely in
for your web pages with
Style definitions needed to
or title bar. For example,
JavaScript and DHTML. While
ease. It generates all
add colored scrollbars on
you can describe the
it can serve as a good
button images, Javascript
your web pages, and
destination of a link in the
replacement for NotePad, it
and HTML code on the fly, so
JavaScript code for amazing
status or title bar instead
also offers many powerful
you don't need any
animated scrollbars.With
of showing the URL
features for Web page
additional graphics or
this tool you can create
associated with it. Also
authors and programmers.
rogramming skills, and
(without writing single line
there are many adjusted
Some of them are: syntax
you'll get instant
of code) eye-catching
effects including: Uppercase
highlighting for HTML, CSS,
results. The buttons are
scrollbars with: Cascading
Across, Flashing, Typewriter
and JavaScript. It uses
fully customizable, they
Style Sheets (CSS) and/or
letter by letter and so on.
dynamic preview templates
react to mouseover and
JavaScript effects. It comes
Finally, there are 19
and your default Internet
mousedown events, support
with 44 color schemes
controlled effects for
browser for previewing web
any XP themes, font face,
included in the templates
status bar and 19 controlled
pages. The new version of
font style, shadows, icons,
effects for title bar.
WebDev Suite SC5.0 includes:
alignment, links, targets,
scHTML Editor, acidCSS
tooltips and more. XP,
Editor, HTML compiler,
Win98, and new Vista Aero
Ultimate CSS, form wizard,
button themes are available.
GUI wizard, IE5.5 Scrollbar
Color Wizard, popup window

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Nov, 01 2006

Date: Jul, 21 2006

Date: Jul, 21 2006
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