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Hits: 371

Html 2 Javascript

Hits: 807
Ace PopUp Generator Software
Helene is a syntax
A Desktop News Ticker, also
we made an EXE file that will
is a code generator that
highlighting text editor
called RSS Reader, is an
convert Flash html to
takes the fuss out of making
written in javascript. It is
excellent tool to attract
javascript in preparation
reliable popup window code.
meant as a replacement for
and keep visitors. You can
for the IE 7 Update. This
Besides the code generation,
textarea's in webbased
distribute your own Desktop
should make it easy to
it also opens and tests the
IDE's. Helene is developed
News Ticker, with links to
prepare your flash for use
window, live, so you can see
by Muze for the Ariadne
your web site and displaying
in a webpage by using a
the results instantly. No
content management system,
your own or external
javascript include script.
more tediously revising and
but can be used for
feeds. With MioFactory,
You simply browse for an
modifying your popup window
virtually any other system.
it is possible to create a
HTML file or copy and paste
code to get it to function
Currently Helene supports
Desktop News Ticker in HTML
your html code into the text
just right.
Internet Explorer and
and JavaScript, but if you
area. When your done click
want a simple desktop news
"Step 2" to
ticker, manipulation in a
Convert your HTML
XML file will be enough to
code. After converting my
create your own.
Flash HTML code to
javascript, I can then use
it in my projects as an
included .JS file. The
Converter automatically
creates the javascript
include code that you can
paste into your page to
display your Flash.

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Dec, 15 2004

Date: Mar, 09 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2003
HTML CODE Encryptor encrypts
With Image Roll-Over Maker,
Image RollNow! allows you to
Jasob JavaScript Obfuscator
your HTML code. Keep others
now you can make image
create image rollovers and
is the ultimate solution for
from viewing your source
roll-overs with a single,
buttons for your webpage
JavaScript obfuscation!
code. Prevent printing,
easy button push. Fill in a
easily,in a few seconds.It
Protects your JavaScript
disable right clicking and
few simple details, and hit
generates all the JavaScript
code from stealing,
text selection! Hide your
the Make Code button -- and
code so you don't need to
significantly shrinks size
links and e-mail addresses,
your image roll-over shows
write it yourself
and improves download time
and mask your page’s URL.
in a real IE window so you
anymore.Just some clicks and
and execution speed. With
Stop Internet Thieves In
can try it out and test it.
your roll over will be ready
Jasob your JavaScript code
Their Tracks, and rotect
Hit the Copy Code button to
to go. You can preview your
will become impossible to
your website against
put the code in your
roll over at any moment to
understand thus preventing
copyright validation!
clipboard, then paste it
fit it to your
anyone to steal and modify
into your page where you
needs,customize images
it. Its size will typically
want the roll-over to
linking to urls and don't
shrink for around 70% which
appear. Supports multiple
worry about image
will significantly improve
mouseover images, and
loading,the generated code
download time and execution
automatic image preloading
will preload them for
speed in the web browser.
is included in the generated
smoother animations.

Date: Feb, 06 2005

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Dec, 01 2003

Date: Mar, 20 2006
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