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Coalesys WebMenu Studio

Hits: 316

CodeThat Studio

Hits: 354


Hits: 897
Design a DHTML pop-up menu
CodeThat Studio is a powerful
CodeThatPacker is a powerful
ConSense, RedSand and
that is supported in IE 4+,
tool that enables create
JavaScript compression
SimpleClasses exist to ease
Netscape 4+, Mozilla 1 and
CodeThat.Com javascript
utility. CodeThatPacker
your life as a web engineer.
Opera 7 tested on Windows,
scripts in the visual
removes comments and
Performing heavy-duty tasks
Mac and Linux. DHTML
environment fast and easily.
whitespaces from your
with them is a snap. No
features include a
With CodeThat Studio you
scripts, supports all
matter if your job is to
horizontal/vertical MenuBar,
can design the structure and
JavaScript syntax including
build a "web 2.0"
drag & dock ability,
customize the appearance of
regular expressions and
site or make the transition
scrollable groups,
the scripts in the most
automatic semicolon
of your code developed in
client-side events, custom
efficient visual way.
insertion, can copy several
Firefox to IE, each of them
page integration with
js-files into one,
takes only a few minutes.
client-side functions, .js
compresses JavaScript in
RedSand and SimpleClasses
files based on browser type
HTML files. CodeThatPacker
form a sound, dynamic,
and quick load times. The
represented by both
object oriented, ever
design application provides
attractive GUI wizard and
growing JavaScript/DHTML
an intuitive layout,
command prompt tool with
framework covering all
on-the-fly preview mode,
understandable set of
aspects of client-side web
local and server path
commands. Trial version
development. ConSense
options and fast compiling.
limits size of files it is
itself is a sophisticated
Saved projects are also
capable to work with. PRO
"jack of all
compatible with optional ASP
version supports all
trades" console,
and ASP.NET server-side
features of standard plus
capable and versatile. It
objects to allow expansion
replaces internal variables
gives you insight into
into other programming
with short names and
anything in connection with
obfuscates string constants
your web application on the
(replaces them with escaped
client-side, right to the
values). Developers edition
smallest detail. With its
(dll) available.
help finding browser
incompatibilities, tracking
down style element
inheritance errors,
all-encompassing DOM
inspection and mapping,
detailed debugging and
logging, on-the-fly file
loading or asynchronous
communication with web
services become less than

Date: May, 18 2004

Date: Nov, 21 2005

Date: Nov, 26 2003

Date: May, 22 2006
Cool CD Ripper is an
Courser Web Slide Panel is a
DevMansion JavaScript Menu
With this program you can add
extremely easy-to-use CD
powerful tool to create
Builder is a WYSIWYG,
a DHTML drop down menu to
ripper for Windows
Microsoft Outlook-like slide
lightweight, easy-to-use and
your web site within a few
9X/NT/Me/2000/XP. It rips
bar. Specify Position, Size,
easy-to-learn FREE Wizard
minutes. It comes with
audio CD tracks and save
Margin, Padding, Border,
like tool to create
hundreds of predefined
them into audio formats MP3,
Font, Color, Cursor; Normal,
JavaScript menus.
designs and supports easy
WAV, WMA (Windows Media
hover and active state,
integration with existing
Audio 9), and OGG Vorbis
different style for
web sites. Included are free
on-the-fly. It uses lame
different state; Header/item
plugins for DreamWeaver,
encoder of newest
pre-icon and post-icon,
FrontPage, GoLive,
version(3.9.31) that
enhance representation
NetObjects Fusion. No HTML /
supports full MP3 options
ability; Random id for each
JavaScript knowledge is
with VBR properties, also it
slide panel, you can have
required. The output DHTML
supports WMA v9 format (VBR
more than one on a single
menus are optimized for size
also supported). Free CDDB
web page; Embedded browser
and speed and are
is supported.
for preview and test; Deploy
XHTML-compatible. Menu items
refered images to specified
can be fixed or added
directory, so published
expediently; Save all setup
to project file, renew or
modify it repeatly.

Date: Feb, 19 2005

Date: Jun, 24 2003

Date: Mar, 10 2006

Date: Apr, 17 2006
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