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Box Game

Hits: 2241

Calculator with Handy Functions

Hits: 1859
Let your visitors see a
Fun and challenging!!
A simple JavaScript
This script automatically
status bar and information
JavaScript box puzzle. A
calculator sometimes may
replaces all checkboxes with
as they wait for your images
table of 16 cells is filled
have some unwanted reactions
your own cool checkbox-image
to preload into there
with randomly generated
when its user press some
without the need to change
browser cache. Tested on
numbers from 1 to 15. One
buttons unexpected by the
any HTML. Your forms will
MSIE6 and NS6 but should
cell is left blank. As the
design. This calculator has
keep working exactly like
work on all versions of MSIE
user clicks on one cell, it
some better controls to
they did before.
and Netscape - NOT Netscape
is swapped with the adjacent
avoid these unwanted
2-4 (document.layers). This
cell, if it is the blank
reactions to the unusual
is the improved version of
one. The object of the game
button pressing. It works in
"Image loading
it to get the numbers in
the way like a practical
message". Easily
proper order.
customisable to work with
other scripts.

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: May, 10 2004

Date: Jan, 03 2004

Date: Aug, 30 2004
Just created the most
You've probably seen it
This is a code that is
Dependant Listboxes enable a
wonderful XML/XSL website,
somewhere, a cool looking
written by me for
flexible rendering of
but people complain that it
fade in/out effect. It is
specifically Turkish people
listboxes whos content is
doesn't work, simply because
done with some JavaScript
to publish in their webpage
dependant from each other in
their browser is outdated?
and the filter CSS attribute
the date. Hope it'll be
an hierachical way.
This script check if
which only works in the
client-side XML/XSL
latest versions of
transformations are
MSIE. But what if you
supported and allow you to
want some more control? Or
specifiy an action after
want to make it work in
that, tell them to upgrade,
Mozilla? This script will do
or just send them to another
just that, if you want to,
you can modify it to do even

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Jul, 16 2004

Date: Nov, 16 2003

Date: Jul, 23 2004
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