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Menu Applets Set

Hits: 1754


Hits: 1162

Navagation Buttons

Hits: 2648

Nested XML Menu for Flash

Hits: 885
Features: 100% of Flash
An electronic circuit can be
These five premade navagation
The Nested Menu Component is
source code is included, as
designed in this project.
buttons for your website.
an easy to use XML-based
well as a DTD file for XML
You can not save and run for
The following buttons are
nested menu which looks and
validation, an external XML
now. I wont develop this any
customizible by you, or by
functions like the
configuration file, and any
more, but you will learn
TurquoiseGala.com. We charge
Macromedia.com navigation
images which are loaded at
right click, XML file usage
a $1 fee to custumize it for
menu. Flash is not required
run-time. Images must be
and some good ActionScript
you. If you customize it
- the package includes both
non-progressive JPGs.
yourself, it's free, its
a Flash Component for Flash
Most interface colors are
recommened you know how. You
MX 2004 users, as well as a
configurable in the external
need Flash MX or greater
standalone product for those
XML file (precise color
(recommended). The download
without Flash. All
options may vary based on
includes the following:
aspects of the menu are
the applet). Most font
customizable: -
options are configurable in
Unlimited number of buttons
the external XML file
and sub-buttons - Button
(precise font options may
URL's and link target -
vary based on the applet).
Background color of menu -
All menu items are
Very lighweight - only
configurable in the external
17KB - Customizable text:
XML file. You can specify
Font, size, color, and
the target and link, as well
bold - Menu width - Hover
as the selected item - i.e.,
effect strength - Submenu
which of the menu items
hover color and opacity -
should be selected by
Much more Additional
default. Other
features in Flash Extension
configuration options, like
(you must have Flash MX 2004
spacing and fade step, can
to use it): -
be configured. Options may
Customizable menu background
vary based on the menu
skins - Support for
applet, however.
integration in existing
Flash-only sites -
Customizable hover effect
skins - Much more! To
use the non-Flash version,
you only need an HTML editor
(such as Dreamweaver). When
editing the XML menu
configuration file, make
sure to use UTF-8 encoding.

Date: Aug, 21 2005

Date: Aug, 11 2005

Date: Sep, 13 2005

Date: Aug, 30 2005
The aim of this game is to
Who says creating your online
Whether you are new to the
Add RSS power to your
feed the four cute pets.
identity has to be
web and need a presence or
website. Read your favorite
Attention: There is a
complicated and expensive?
just need to give your site
news, websites and blogs
monster that eats up the
Our ready-made professional
a professional look, we have
with style.
food ! If a pet gets not
templates help you create
hundreds of templates and
enough fodder, it starves to
your personal or business
full sites to give you and
death. The game gets faster
website with ease and at a
your visitors a unique
with every level. Try as
fraction of the cost of
experience, from HTML and
long as possible to play.
hiring a website designer.
Flash templates and full
The highscore will be saved
HTML Templates (FrontPage
websites to PHP-Nuke Themes
in a file on webserver (PHP
& Dreamweaver
and osCommerce, all
script) or in a local file
compatible) Flash Templates
customisable. We have
(shared objects).
(also SWiSH) PHP-Nuke
two pricing schemes starting
Themed Templates Logo
from as little as £10.00 to
Templates Corporate
buy a template or if you pay
Identity Templates and
our unique price we will
more! FREE Sample
take your template out of
Templates to try also!
our listings and no else
will be able to purchase it.

Date: Aug, 04 2005

Date: Aug, 15 2005

Date: Aug, 02 2005

Date: Jul, 26 2005
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