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high quality website templates

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Hits: 1048
high quality website
Telimagiewer can be
Who says creating your online
Features: Configure any
templates, flash templates,
summarized as follow
identity has to be
color in the gallery by
flash intros, logo
Flash at client side, PHP
complicated and expensive?
editing the XML
templates, corporate
at backend, AMFPHP as the
Our ready-made professional
configuration file. Top
identities, and php-nuke
remoting connector,
templates help you create
menu configuration: re-order
themes. Our web templates
automatic thumb generation
your personal or business
the menus by changing the
can be used to build your
with a cache, explorer style
website with ease and at a
indentation. Add pages
personal web page or huge
sidebar, minimialist design
fraction of the cost of
to the DocViewer by adding
corporate site, online shop
with a red color theme and
hiring a website designer.
lines to the XML file. Store
or offline presentation or
with a bunch of extra code
HTML Templates (FrontPage
JPGs in any file location on
even as a design for the
for scalibility. Put all
& Dreamweaver
your server, or in http://
software you develop! And
your image files in jpeg
compatible) Flash Templates
locations. DTD file can
everything you create is
format under one directory
(also SWiSH) PHP-Nuke
be used to validate the
going to be easy, fast and
and point it from flash and
Themed Templates Logo
XML. Tooltips are easily
you are ready to go!
Templates Corporate
configurable via the
Identity Templates and
external XML file. 100%
more! FREE Sample
of the Flash souce code is
Templates to try also!
included with your purchase.
Requires Flash 2004
Professional to edit.

Date: Aug, 21 2005

Date: Aug, 15 2005

Date: Aug, 15 2005

Date: Aug, 14 2005
An electronic circuit can be
this is a very easy to
The aim of this game is to
A fun game where you try to
designed in this project.
understand and easy to do
feed the four cute pets.
catch acorn with the
You can not save and run for
tutorial. 1.open
Attention: There is a
squirrels. Catch as many as
now. I wont develop this any
flash. 2.start a new flash
monster that eats up the
possible before time runs
more, but you will learn
document or continue
food ! If a pet gets not
out. Limes are extra points
right click, XML file usage
one. 3.create the movie
enough fodder, it starves to
and tomatos are extra time.
and some good ActionScript
clip you want to use for
death. The game gets faster
your cursor. 4.asign the
with every level. Try as
movie clip these
long as possible to play.
actions... onClipEvent
The highscore will be saved
(enterFrame) {
in a file on webserver (PHP
setProperty(this, _x,
script) or in a local file
(shared objects).
setProperty(this, _y,
Mouse.hide(); } 5.just
copy and paste it. 6.press
control and enter to see
your custom cursor!

Date: Aug, 11 2005

Date: Aug, 04 2005

Date: Aug, 04 2005

Date: Aug, 04 2005
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