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Email Systems



Hits: 678


Hits: 518

Dundas Mailer

Hits: 361

Dynamic ASP CDO E-mail Script

Hits: 578
Click&Email is a full
DevMailer is a COM object
Dundas Mailer, is a
This is the ONLY script you
featured ASP script to run
designed to send Email via
server-side ASP component
need to send forms, ever.
your professional
SMTP from any COM / OLE /
used for sending e-mail
You can use it with ANY
Email/Newsletter management.
ActiveX enabled application.
messages and posting
form, just adjust the
It includes unlimited
It features: Small, Fast
articles utilizing the SMTP,
outgoing e-mail html tags to
Newsletter Groups which
object for sending email via
MIME and NNTP protocols.
the client and the visitor,
allows you to handle
SMTP, Unlimited File
With methods such as
that's it. You can use it
subscribers of different
Attachments, Unlimited
EncodeHeader, Quicksend
over and over again for
sites or homepages, a HTML
Backup SMTP Servers,
& ValidateAddress and
every form.
Newsletter form generator
Failsafe Message Queuing in
properties such as Priority,
with color picker and a
case of SMTP Server failure,
ConfirmRead &
save-option for further use.
Support for CC and BCC
ReturnReceipt, Dundas Mailer
Sends emails either as plain
recipients, Optimized for
offers tremendous
text or HTML formated to all
concurrent usage, Can send
flexibility and
subscribers or only to
multiple messages per
power. Dundas Mailer
members of a certain group
connection, Verify email
supports both text-based and
or to one selected member
addresses at SMTP Server,
html-based email. With an
Useful Email utility
html-based email, embedded
Click&Email also
functions, Supports MIME
objects including audio
includes a double opt-in;
File Attachments,
files, image files and more
the subscriber needs to
Content-Types, and Character
are fully supported.
confirm the subscription
Sets, and Detailed session
before they are finally
logging, as well as the NT
added to the list. The
Event Log support for fatal
subscriber can opt-out by
clicking on a link in the
initial email or by entering
their email address on the
subscription form. Admin
writes the Newsletter online
and sends it in either HTML
or Text

Date: Apr, 12 2005

Date: Jan, 14 2000

Date: May, 15 2000

Date: Dec, 29 2005
Dynamic Data Mailer
Using this component you send
The EasyMail Objects are a
ECS ZipMail is an easy-to-use
(DDMailer) is a ActiveX
out emails from your ASP
set of full featured, easy
SMTP Mail Component with a
component written in Visual
page. Some of its features
to use COM objects for
twist. It allows on-the-fly
Basic for the purpose of
include multiple recipients,
creating, sending,
creation of Zip Compressed
sending emails and/or
CC and BCC.
retrieving, displaying,
File attachments with the
producing PDF files* that
editing, storing &
option of setting a Zip
contain dynamic text
printing Internet e-mail.
Password for additional
With just a few lines of
code you can easily add full
featured, mission critical
e-mail capabilities to apps
written in just about any
development system,
including: C++, VB, ASP,
Pearl, PowerBuilder, Access,
etc. Fully support SMTP,
Base64, Uuencode,
Quoted-Printable, HTML,
& more! Royalty-free

Date: Jun, 24 2003

Date: Nov, 09 1999

Date: Sep, 25 2003

Date: Jun, 24 2003
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