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Email Systems



Hits: 678

MailMill COM Professional

Hits: 377

MailBee SSL Plugin

Hits: 549
Click&Email is a full
Web based email application -
MailMill COM is a component
MailBee SSL is a plugin
featured ASP script to run
will run on your shared
that allows easy email
object which can be easily
your professional
hosting account no need to
creation and sending. This
attached to core MailBee's
Email/Newsletter management.
have dedicated server - you
component can be used by
objects such as SMTP, POP3,
It includes unlimited
can say clone of yahoo mail
languages supporting COM
IMAP4. Once attached, the
Newsletter Groups which
system almost all features
objects, like Visual Basic,
plugin forces these objects
allows you to handle
that hotmail provides Mail
C++, Delphi and in scripting
to communicate in SSL/TLS
subscribers of different
you like have . You can also
languages like VBScript and
mode. The plugin also
sites or homepages, a HTML
send and receive email using
JScript. Features: Send
supports custom user
Newsletter form generator
outlook and pop3 clients
HTML email with embedded
certificates and stores,
with color picker and a
plus you will get
images. Send
server certificate
save-option for further use.
notification of new email at
multipart/alternative emails
validation, connections over
Sends emails either as plain
your desktop
with both HTML and
regular port (STARTTLS
text or HTML formated to all
plain-text bodies. Send
mode), user specified
subscribers or only to
multiple file attachments.
communication protocols.
members of a certain group
Add any attachment formats
or to one selected member
from files or in-memory
data. Automatically encode
Click&Email also
contents using the most
includes a double opt-in;
optimized transfer encoding
the subscriber needs to
mode. Handle
confirm the subscription
multi-language (including
before they are finally
asian and arabic languages).
added to the list. The
Support multiple To, CC,
subscriber can opt-out by
BCC and Reply-To. Support
clicking on a link in the
standard and custom header
initial email or by entering
fields. Set the message
their email address on the
priority. SMTP and ESMTP
subscription form. Admin
protocols. SMTP
writes the Newsletter online
authentication (clear text
and sends it in either HTML
and NTLM authentication
or Text
methods). Allow you to
specify non standard SMTP
port number. Support
Encryption and Digital
Signature (S/MIME protocol).
Save your messages to the
disk. Include an email
address validator to control
email addresses. Include
an email address formatter
to create email addresses
with a display name in To,
Cc, and From. Compliance
with RFC standards.

Date: Apr, 12 2005

Date: Apr, 05 2005

Date: Mar, 22 2005

Date: Feb, 24 2005
Lets you add an user email
A high performance
Merak Webmail Server Software
Unilabplus' eMarketing
account to windows 2003 pop3
Windows-based secure
provides secure anytime,
solution: I-campaign is the
service using script or
Internet mail server
anywhere email access, Spam
only Web-based eMarketing
other programming
software and GroupWare
management, Auto-responders,
solution focused entirely on
environment. The script
Server, supporting unlimited
Calendaring, Tasking, Shared
increasing sales. With
bellow is written in VBA 6
users, unlimited domains,
Address via any browser
our online software you are
(You can use it in Visual
able to have the following:
basic 6, Excel, Access,
LDAP, ODBC protocols,
*Personalized HTML email
...), you can simply modify
on-server virus scanning,
newsletter. *Send out
the script for VB Script or
on-server spam filtering,
unlimited amount of emails
VB.Net. The function uses
web mail accounts and much
without any cost. *Click
P3Admin.dll and it's
more ...
through tracking and open
programming interface. You
detection.Who open it and
can manage the accounts
who click it. *Multi users,
locally or remotelly. You
multi groups. *Member
will need P3Admin.dll,
P3Store.dll, Pop3Auth.dll,
Pop3evt.dll, pop3perf.dll
and pop3snap.dll DLLs
(registerred using regsvr32)

Date: Feb, 16 2005

Date: Jan, 12 2005

Date: Jan, 12 2005

Date: Dec, 30 2004
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