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Email Systems


Form to Mail Using CDO

Hits: 2865

Dynamic ASP CDO E-mail Script

Hits: 578


Hits: 184

Arclab Email Toolbox

Hits: 544
With this asp code you may
This is the ONLY script you
A 100% pure classic ASP Email
Incorporate email send
receive web form results
need to send forms, ever.
Campaign Manager and
(SMTP/ESMTP/Direct Mail
using CDO. CDO comes within
You can use it with ANY
autoresponder that runs on
Relay) into your application
windows XP and windows
form, just adjust the
your website. Professional
or script. Arclab Email
2000/3 and has more control
outgoing e-mail html tags to
features. 15 Custom Fields +
Toolbox is a COM-based
over mailing system.
the client and the visitor,
10 standard. Highly
component for use with
Following asp source
that's it. You can use it
customizable. Supports
Visual Basic, Visual C++,
contains a simple webform
over and over again for
several email components.
Access, Excel, ASP, VBscript
and client side validation
every form.
Double opt-in list.
and other COM compatible
that controls unvalid
Sophisticated signup form
characters. Web form uses
generator. Make everything
CDO to deliver form results
blend 100% with your site.
to your email account.
Never pay monthly fees again!

Date: Jan, 04 2006

Date: Dec, 29 2005

Date: Aug, 09 2005

Date: Jul, 12 2005
IMAP client component for
Free filter (bot filter that
Allows users to post to a
Complete fully-functional
reading and managing email
is) not only prevents your
form and get the contents in
interactive program/website.
and folders on an IMAP
email from being sold, but
an email. You can specify
Automated Member Signup,
server. Supports S/MIME
makes a spammer's database
recipient, recipient name,
Confirmation Email and
signed and encrypted email.
worthless as well. Easy
sender, sender name,
Welcome Email. Automated
Supports SSL IMAP. Full set
to understand, easy to
subject, message. There are
Member Password Recovery,
of mailbox management
install and free.
also options for how the
Crediting and Cancellation.
features for adding,
confirmation page is show
Automated Advertiser Signup,
deleting, and renaming
and for sending the email in
Confirmation Email and
mailboxes. Easy to manage
HTML format. See
Welcome Email. Automated
mail item flags for
readme.txt for more
Advertiser Password Recovery
details. Version 2 brings
and Cancellation. All
in easier configuration
general artwork, logos,
"answered", and
options, and the ability to
banners are created for your
"flagged". Preview
set global or default
website. All website pages
mail by retrieving message
values, in addition to the
(privacy, terms, etc...) are
summaries. Full mailbox sort
form values of v1.x. All
created for your website.
and search capability. Easy
features in v2 are backwards
Password Protected Admin
access to all message parts
compatible with previous
Area for managed and run
and recipients. Easy access
setting to your program.
to attachments. Programs can
Password Protected Member
work using either UIDs or
Area for edit or update
sequence numbers.
account information, view
earning stat, submit
redeemption, change
password, cancel of account.
Password Protected
Advertiser Area for edit or
update account
information, view
advertisement stats, place
an order, cancel of account.
Program run under ASP
scripts with MS Access.
Program Included : Paid
Email, Paid-To-Click,
Paid-To-Signup, Auto
Referral System, Rotating
Banner Scripts, Mass Mailer,
Multi Referral System (up to
200 Levels), Ban System, IP
Tracking system, Golden
Area, User Inbox area, Ads
Tracking system and Database

Date: Jun, 09 2005

Date: Apr, 30 2005

Date: Apr, 27 2005

Date: Apr, 23 2005
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