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Email Systems



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Hits: 445
AspPOP3 allows you to receive
AspQMail works just like
aspSmartMail allows you to
Requires JMail Component.
mail using the industry
AspMail except that messages
add the email features in
Supports multiple POP3
standard POP3 protocol from
are queued up for delivery
your web apps. Key features
accounts, unlimited users,
any program that can use
using the AspMail component.
include: SMTP (sending)
SPAM filters, address book,
ActiveX/OLE components.
A companion NT service is
Messages, Plain text or HTML
skins, audio notifications,
Features include: POP3
notified when messages are
for the message's body,
html editor for rich content
(retrieve) Messages,
added to the queue and
Priority settings, Carbon
emails, looks and functions
Multiple File Attachments,
attempts delivery while your
Copy (CC), Blind Carbon Copy
just like a desktop
File attachments support
ASP script is freed from the
(BCC), Reply-To,
MIME and UUEncoding, US
delay of delivering the
ConfirmReading and
Ascii and ISO-8859-1
message. AspQMail and
ReturnReceipt, US ASCII,
character sets, Exposes
AspMail provide a unified
ContentType headers, Custom
standard headers via
interface for SMTP
headers, Multiple File
properties and special
messaging. AspQMail allows
Attachments, and MIME with
properties via a method.
you to use the queuing
mechanism for none, some or
all messages.

Date: Dec, 20 1999

Date: Dec, 20 1999

Date: Jun, 16 2000

Date: Jan, 14 2004
A classic ASP POP3/SMTP mail
The Chilkat ActiveX component
IMAP client component for
Convert a Web page to EML or
component with advanced
provides objects for
reading and managing email
MHT in one line of code.
features including: full
creating, sending and
and folders on an IMAP
Simply provide the URL, and
S/MIME capability, MHTML,
retrieving Internet e-mail.
server. Supports S/MIME
Chilkat MHT constructs the
It fully supports SMTP,
signed and encrypted email.
EML (or MHT) and embeds all
Supports SSL IMAP. Full set
the necessary images and
attachments, advanced AES
S/MIME, secure
of mailbox management
styles sheets. Integrates
encryption, charset
authentication, attachments,
features for adding,
with Chilkat's mail
conversion, progress
SSL, progress monitoring,
deleting, and renaming
components, and its open
monitoring, import EML,
zip and unzip of
mailboxes. Easy to manage
architecture allows it to
import/export XML,
attachments, XML
mail item flags for
work with other email
mail-merge, distribution
import/export, and is fully
components or systems. Can
lists, Zip attachments, bad
internationalized to handle
handle any language Web page
email address
email in any language. The
"answered", and
including Chinese, Japanese,
detection/collection, SMTP
Chilkat mail components draw
"flagged". Preview
Korean, etc.
Windows Integrated
on over 7 years of email
mail by retrieving message
Authorization, smart cards,
component development, and
summaries. Full mailbox sort
SMTP/POP3 server
has an established user base
and search capability. Easy
diagnostics, full control
of approximately 10,000
access to all message parts
over Cryptographic Service
customers. Chilkat's
and recipients. Easy access
Providers for S/MIME,
licensing provides for free
to attachments. Programs can
auto-handle any charset for
new-version upgrades, 1 year
work using either UIDs or
any language, and more.
unlimited email and phone
sequence numbers.
support, and royalty-free

Date: Jul, 19 2006

Date: Jul, 15 2006

Date: Jun, 09 2005

Date: Mar, 05 2004
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