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Email Systems


REMailX ActiveX

Hits: 137

Rocketasp Email Service

Hits: 545


Hits: 178
The ActiveX component also
This application allows you
SA-SMTPmail is a
This is a one page self
includes a Windows DLL. Use
to access all the emails
full-featured SMTP e-mail
submitting form that you can
the DLL from C++, Delphi,
sent to your SMTP server.
client component. This
edit to look however you
VB, PB, etc. Use the ActiveX
You can create and send
completely free component
want. This has some very
from the .NET, ASP and
email similar to Hotmail. It
offers significantly better
slick built in server side
scripts. The package
will look in the smtp mail
performance than other
form validation. This sends
includes sample VB
server's drop directory and
popular SMTP components.
the email using CDOSYS using
applications for both the
retrieve all the messages
SA-SMTPmail is written in
your existing POP3 email
DLL and the ActiveX
that were sent to you. These
high-performance C++ and
account and email
demonstrating how to create
scripts can be merged with
supports all threading
server. Once purchased you
speaking email. It supports
any login script that can
can use this code on as many
secured SMTP servers, mass
create a username. This is a
web sites as you like. This
emailing, unlimited number
pure ASP Solution.
is pure ASP source code so
of attachments using either
you can add or remove fields
MIME or UUEN encoding. It
pretty easily by looking at
also supports FTP directory
what is already there. This
services, uploading and
code is EXTREMELY clean and
downloading single files or
easy to follow along with.
whole directory structures
with optional "newer
only" parameter. It
also downloads web pages,
XML data or any files via
HTTP protocol.

Date: Sep, 04 2002

Date: Aug, 23 2002

Date: Feb, 21 2000

Date: Sep, 18 2006
This package includes ASP
This a protocol built for any
This consists of 3 simple
SimpleMail allows you to send
code to write e-mail
website. You just have to
.asp files that can be used
email messages from your ASP
messages to a file and a VB
call a funcation from your
for sending the contents of
pages or any other ActiveX
application that checks this
asp code and you can send
a form via email. Simple to
compatible container
file for messages at
the email. Currently
use and can be easily
application like VB. It was
specified intervals and
supports persitsaspmail,
customised to suit any need.
implemented using the
sends them. This solution is
jmail, jmailhtml,
original SMTP-protocol, and
useful if you don't have
to keep it simple it does
CDONTS installed on your web
not offer MIME or file
server, or you want to send
cdonts, cdontshtml,
attachment features.
e-mail asynchronously
bamboosmtp, ocxmail ,
without loading an object
dundasmail, aspsmartmail.
into IIS's process space.
The included documentation
explains how the solution
works, how to implement it,
and provides an example.

Date: Apr, 24 2000

Date: Dec, 18 2003

Date: Nov, 05 2001

Date: Jan, 18 2000
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