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Email Systems



Hits: 215


Hits: 454
xPop3 is an Active Server
xSMTP is an Active Server
component that retrieves
component that sends mail
mail from Pop3 servers. It
through SMTP. It features:
supports ISO-8859-1
multiple recipients, load
characters and also handles
message from file, supports
quoted-printable encoded
ISO-8859-1 characters and
mail. It was built for use
uses the quoted-printable
with Microsoft IIS and ASP
encoding scheme. It was
but can also be used from
built for use with Microsoft
any programming language
IIS and ASP but can also be
that supports OLE Automation
used from any programming
such as Delphi or Visual
language that supports OLE
Automation such as Delphi or
Visual Basic.

Date: Oct, 07 1999

Date: Oct, 07 1999
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