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Email Systems


Emal Pranker

Hits: 127
Uses CDONTS and ASP to set up
This package includes ASP
a application on your web
code to write e-mail
site which allows visitors
messages to a file and a VB
to sign up, log in and send
application that checks this
prank emails to their
file for messages at
friends. Comes with Yahoo
specified intervals and
style navigation, refer a
sends them. This solution is
friend system, log in lg out
useful if you don't have
system and very easy ways to
CDONTS installed on your web
add your own email prank
server, or you want to send
catergories! This script is
e-mail asynchronously
100% free, and is just over
without loading an object
130kb download in a zip
into IIS's process space.
file. Email methods were
The included documentation
created by WebwizGuide.com,
explains how the solution
and the rest was compiled by
works, how to implement it,
and provides an example.

Date: Mar, 27 2002

Date: Apr, 24 2000
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