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Email Systems


Simple CDONTS Mailer

Hits: 495


Hits: 489

M-Japanese Mail Component

Hits: 481

ECS ZipMail

Hits: 469
This consists of 3 simple
JMailbox is a complete web
M-Japanese is an ActiveX
ECS ZipMail is an easy-to-use
.asp files that can be used
based email client written
component for sending Arabic
SMTP Mail Component with a
for sending the contents of
in 100% ASP using the JMail
email from ASP Web sites and
twist. It allows on-the-fly
a form via email. Simple to
API. No other components or
Microsoft Windows
creation of Zip Compressed
use and can be easily
DLLs are required. This is
applications. It works as an
File attachments with the
customised to suit any need.
not a replacement for your
ActiveX object but also
option of setting a Zip
usual email client. Rather
exposes DLL functions
Password for additional
it is a handy web
directly. It includes an EXE
application for when you are
for CGI operation via
on the road and still need
XMLHTTP. M-Japanese can
full access to your mail. It
construct and send
is very easy to install and
professional plain-text and
use. Just unzip all the
HTML e-mail, with the
files and place them in a
ability to create an e-mail
single folder in your
from a URL or HTML file, add
website. To get it to work
and zip compress
you will have to change the
attachments, and convert
relevant server/password
character encodings.
details in the file
"config.asp" and
that's it.

Date: Nov, 05 2001

Date: May, 02 2002

Date: May, 07 2003

Date: Jun, 24 2003
The Chilkat ActiveX component
M-Western is an ActiveX
M-Arabic is an ActiveX
xSMTP is an Active Server
provides objects for
component for sending email
component for sending Arabic
component that sends mail
creating, sending and
in any Western European
email from ASP Web sites and
through SMTP. It features:
retrieving Internet e-mail.
language from ASP Web sites
Microsoft Windows
multiple recipients, load
It fully supports SMTP,
and Microsoft Windows
applications. It works as an
message from file, supports
applications. It works as an
ActiveX object but also
ISO-8859-1 characters and
S/MIME, secure
ActiveX object but also
exposes DLL functions
uses the quoted-printable
authentication, attachments,
exposes DLL functions
directly. It includes an EXE
encoding scheme. It was
SSL, progress monitoring,
directly. It includes an EXE
for CGI operation via
built for use with Microsoft
zip and unzip of
for CGI operation via
XMLHTTP. M-Arabic can
IIS and ASP but can also be
attachments, XML
XMLHTTP. M-Western can
construct and send
used from any programming
import/export, and is fully
construct and send
professional plain-text and
language that supports OLE
internationalized to handle
professional plain-text and
HTML e-mail, with the
Automation such as Delphi or
email in any language. The
HTML e-mail, with the
ability to create an e-mail
Visual Basic.
Chilkat mail components draw
ability to create an e-mail
from a URL or HTML file, add
on over 7 years of email
from a URL or HTML file, add
and zip compress
component development, and
and zip compress
attachments, and convert
has an established user base
attachments, and convert
character encodings.
of approximately 10,000
character encodings.
customers. Chilkat's
licensing provides for free
new-version upgrades, 1 year
unlimited email and phone
support, and royalty-free

Date: Jul, 15 2006

Date: May, 07 2003

Date: May, 07 2003

Date: Oct, 07 1999
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